Tag Archives: Ecuador

Photovoltaic solar energy in Ecuador

KFC Ecuador has inaugurated the second phase of its photovoltaic plant in Inga Alto, Quito, with an investment of more than $2 million. This project, the largest of its kind in the country, reflects its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.In operation since 2022, the plant has reduced the company’s carbon footprint by avoiding the … Continue reading Photovoltaic solar energy in Ecuador

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The largest wind power plant in Ecuador comes into operation

The Huascachaca wind farm, the largest in Ecuador, began its commercial operation with a capacity of 50 megawatts, capable of supplying electricity to more than 90,000 homes, the Ministry of Energy and Mines announced in a statement. The wind farm is located in San Sebastián de Yuluc, on a plateau at an altitude of 1,400 … Continue reading The largest wind power plant in Ecuador comes into operation

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The wind turbines arrive for the Saraguro wind farm in Ecuador

The fourteen wind turbines arrived in the country on January 24 at Puerto Bolívar (El Oro), through the port operator Yilport Holding. The Huascachaca wind farm is located in the north of Loja, in San Sebastián de Yuluc, a rural parish in the Saraguro canton.From China came the fourteen wind turbines that will produce 50 … Continue reading The wind turbines arrive for the Saraguro wind farm in Ecuador

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Ecuador will expand its wind energy plan

The National Government announced this Friday, December 31, 2021 that it will look abroad for cutting-edge technology to strengthen a wind power generation plan, which allows it to expand its electricity production with renewable energy. For this reason, the state Electricity Corporation of Ecuador (Celec) issued an invitation to international suppliers to acquire “specialized software … Continue reading Ecuador will expand its wind energy plan

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Wind energy project in Huascachaca (Ecuador) will operate from January 2022

The construction of the Minas de Huascachaca Wind Power Project (PEMH) is 56% complete, which is in the province of Loja, in the Saraguro canton, in the San Sebastián de Yuluc parish. It is an electricity production plant, which takes advantage of the strong winds in this area. The air currents move a set of … Continue reading Wind energy project in Huascachaca (Ecuador) will operate from January 2022

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Minas de Huascachaca, the largest wind power plant in Ecuador

A semi-desert area on the limits of Loja and Azuay, made up of plateaus, with dirt roads and little settled population, is the place where 16 wind turbines will be located in the coming months that will take advantage of the force of the wind to produce wind energy. This set of wind turbines – … Continue reading Minas de Huascachaca, the largest wind power plant in Ecuador

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The Spanish Wind Energy Association signs an agreement with the Electricity Corporation of Ecuador

The Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE) and the Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador (CELEC EP) have signed an agreement to establish a framework for collaboration on issues related to technical assistance, information exchange, teaching and technical, scientific and technological cooperation in renewable energy matter. The Framework Collaboration Agreement between Spanish Wind Energy Association and CELEC aims to … Continue reading The Spanish Wind Energy Association signs an agreement with the Electricity Corporation of Ecuador

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Ecuador boosts wind energy

The Electricity Corporation of Ecuador (Celec-EP) and the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) of Spain signed a cooperation agreement for a framework of collaboration in technical assistance, information exchange, teaching and technical cooperation in renewable energies, specifically wind power.The agreement was signed this Tuesday, August 25, according to the document, the parties will draw up … Continue reading Ecuador boosts wind energy

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Wind power in Ecuador, Huascachaca wind farm

Wind energy is that obtained from the wind. It is a type of kinetic energy (energy of movement), produced by the effect of air currents. We can convert it into electricity through an electric generator or wind turbine. China is the leader in installed wind power in the world, with 31.01%, followed by the United … Continue reading Wind power in Ecuador, Huascachaca wind farm

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Wind energy in Ecuador, wind farm advances in Huascachaca

The construction of the Minas de Huascachaca Wind Farm (PEMH), which is located in the province of Loja, canton Saraguro, parish San Sebastián Yuluc, is an advance of 49%. The company Electro Generadora del Austro (Elecaustro) is in charge of this work. Its manager, Antonio Borrero, last weekend completed a technical visit to this project, … Continue reading Wind energy in Ecuador, wind farm advances in Huascachaca

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The origin of the hybrid species

The far-flung, volcanic Galapagos Islands visited by Charles Darwin in 1835 as part of his round the world survey voyage played an important role for him in writing his theory of biological evolution ‘On the Origin of Species’ published in 1859.To this day, the islands are a focal point for further generations of conservationists who … Continue reading The origin of the hybrid species

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Minas de Huascachaca wind power plant in Ecuador with significant progress

The wind farm is located next to the Jubones river in the territory of the Saraguro canton, on the border with Santa Isabel. The construction of the Minas de Huascachaca wind energy plant, located in the San Sebastián de Yuluc parish, in the Saraguro canton, Loja province, progresses according to the established schedule; In the … Continue reading Minas de Huascachaca wind power plant in Ecuador with significant progress

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Clean energies are the energy future of Ecuador

Renewable energies such as wind and solar thermal energy are those that produce or obtain energy with minimal or no ecological impact on the environment, during its extraction and generation processes.There are different natural sources for the generation of energy, the most used are: hydraulics, which produces energy thanks to the movement of water, wind … Continue reading Clean energies are the energy future of Ecuador

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Ibero-American Renewable Associations will sign renewable energy commitment at COP25

The 12 associations that have made this commitment will be: Spanish Wind Energy  Association (AEE Spain), APPA Renewable, Protermosolar and UNEF (Spain), ACERA (Chile), AEEREE (Ecuador), AMDEE and ASOLMEX (Mexico), AUDER (Uruguay), Cader (Argentina), SER Colombia and SPR (Peru).Within the framework of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change – or better known as COP25 … Continue reading Ibero-American Renewable Associations will sign renewable energy commitment at COP25

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30% progress of Minas de Guascachaca wind power plant in Ecuador

A 30% advance has the construction of the Minas de Guascachaca Wind Power Plant, which will produce electricity with wind turbines. It is in the San Sebastián de Yuluc parish, in the Saraguro canton, in the province of Loja. This wind farm will consist of wind turbines, which will produce an installed capacity of 50 … Continue reading 30% progress of Minas de Guascachaca wind power plant in Ecuador

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Wind power in Ecuador: Villonaco II and III will be concessioned for 25 years

The Villonaco I wind farm had wind turbines from the Chinese wind energy Goldwind. The launch of this tender, of the El Aromo (Manabí province) Villonaco II and III (Loja province) electrical projects, was held on Tuesday, July 30, 2019, in the Auditorium of the Government Financial Platform. Enith Carrión, national coordinator of Renewable Energy … Continue reading Wind power in Ecuador: Villonaco II and III will be concessioned for 25 years

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Ecuador tendered wind power and photovoltaic solar energy

The Government will deliver concession contracts to private companies to build the photovoltaic plant in El Aromo and stages II and III of Villonaco.Ecuador calls private investors for the construction of electrical projects with non-conventional renewable energy such as solar and wind energy (obtained from the wind). On July 30, 2019, the promotion stage of … Continue reading Ecuador tendered wind power and photovoltaic solar energy

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Wind power and solar energy projects in Ecuador are tendered on July 30

On the 30th of this month, Celec EP will tender for at least five renewable energy projects: hydroelectric, wind energy and photovoltaic solar. The process seeks the participation of private companies under a BOP model, which means that the private company invests, builds, operates the project for a certain number of years and finally returns … Continue reading Wind power and solar energy projects in Ecuador are tendered on July 30

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Wind turbines on Galapagos meet 30 percent of energy needs

World’s top utilities hand over project keys, chart path for Ecuador’s famously biodiverse archipelago to meet 70 percent of fast-rising energy needs with renewables.     A global renewable energy project on the Galapagos Islands — one of Earth’s most fragile and important ecological treasures — has helped avoid many tanker loads worth of risky … Continue reading Wind turbines on Galapagos meet 30 percent of energy needs

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Solar energy, wind power world’s first “green” airport

The world’s first sustainable airport running on sun and wind power opens on Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands.   Eighty percent of the airport’s infrastructure is made of recycled material and it has its own desalination plant that supplies fresh water to the terminal. Airport manager Jorge Rocillo says the new building will help mitigate the impact … Continue reading Solar energy, wind power world’s first “green” airport

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