Category Archives: Uncategorized

Naturgy consolidates record results and improves expectations for 2024

Naturgy has managed to consolidate in the first half of 2024 the record results obtained last year, now in a more competitive scenario marked by a sharp global decline in energy prices. The Group recorded an EBITDA of 2,846 million euros and a net income of 1,043 million euros, both at the same level as … Continue reading Naturgy consolidates record results and improves expectations for 2024

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Concentrated Solar Power plant generates electricity by chasing sunlight 24 hours a day

In Guazhou County of northwest China’s Gansu Province, a Concentrating Solar Power with energy storage power station can generate power for 24 hours non-stop. Its main project has begun commissioning and will be put into operation by the end of this year, according to the China Three Gorges Corporation. The solar thermal energy storage power … Continue reading Concentrated Solar Power plant generates electricity by chasing sunlight 24 hours a day

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Photovoltaic and wind energy in the second week of July

In the second week of July, prices in the main European electricity markets rose compared to the previous week. These increases were favored by the drop in wind energy production and the increase in temperatures, which caused demand to rise in most markets. Almost all markets registered negative prices in some hours. Solar energy production … Continue reading Photovoltaic and wind energy in the second week of July

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Energy storage: global capacity to increase by 1 TW by 2033

Global energy storage capacity – excluding pumped hydropower – will increase by almost 1 TW between 2024 and 2033, representing an increase of 636%. Tax incentives and hybrid auctions will accelerate the expansion of the technology around the world. According to consulting firm Wood Mackenzie in its latest report, this makes this technology one of … Continue reading Energy storage: global capacity to increase by 1 TW by 2033

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EU Member States must take urgent action on NECPs and overriding public interest

On 30 June two significant deadlines passed. First, Member States had to submit their revised National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the European Commission. Second, Governments had to implement the permitting provisions under the new Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII). On both fronts Member States are lagging behind. They must take urgent action. Otherwise the … Continue reading EU Member States must take urgent action on NECPs and overriding public interest

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Iberdrola’s wind power production marks historical highs in the semester

Iberdrola’s steadfast commitment to investing in clean energy and decarbonisation has enabled the company to set a new renewable energy production record in the first half of 2024. Renewables production exceeded 45,000 GWh globally (45,181 GWh)  – an increase of 5.3% compared to the same period last year.  The record production figure was driven by … Continue reading Iberdrola’s wind power production marks historical highs in the semester

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Tripling renewable energy by 2030 requires a minimum annual growth rate of 16.4%

The Renewable Energy Statistics 2024 released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) today shows that despite renewables becoming the fastest growing source of power, the world risks missing the tripling renewables target pledged at COP28. To stay the course, the world will now have to grow renewables capacity at a minimum 16.4% rate annually … Continue reading Tripling renewable energy by 2030 requires a minimum annual growth rate of 16.4%

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Renewable energy statistics 2024

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) produces comprehensive, reliable datasets on renewable energy capacity and use worldwide. Renewable energy statistics 2024 provides datasets on power-generation capacity for 2014-2023, actual power generation for 2014-2022 and renewable energy balances for over 150 countries and areas for 2021-2022. Data was obtained from a variety of sources, including an … Continue reading Renewable energy statistics 2024

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China building two-thirds of world’s wind energy and photovoltaic solar projects

Country on track reach 1,200GW of installed wind power and photovoltaic capacity by end of 2024 – six years ahead of Beijing’s target. Between March 2023 and March 2024, China installed more solar than it had in the previous three years combined, and more than the rest of the world combined for 2023, the GEM … Continue reading China building two-thirds of world’s wind energy and photovoltaic solar projects

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China builds twice as much wind power and photovoltaic capacity as the rest of the world

China consolidates its position as a world leader in renewable energy, currently building twice as much wind and photovoltaic capacity as the rest of the world, according to a study published this Thursday. The Asian giant, with 1.4 billion inhabitants and numerous factories due to its status as a manufacturing country, is the world’s largest … Continue reading China builds twice as much wind power and photovoltaic capacity as the rest of the world

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Photovoltaic and wind energy in the first week of July

In the first week of July, prices in most major European electricity markets fell compared to the previous week. Almost all markets registered hours with negative prices in the latter part of the week. Rising wind energy production, as well as lower gas prices and demand in some markets, contributed to the decline in prices. … Continue reading Photovoltaic and wind energy in the first week of July

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Batteries the key as photovoltaic cell prices plunge and wind power and solar ramp up towards 50 pct share

Renewable generation should be around 50 per cent of supply on Australia’s main grid by July, 2026, although it might be a bit less depending on progress on the second stage of Golden Plains, which will be the country’s biggest wind farm – at least for a time – when complete. To get to 80 … Continue reading Batteries the key as photovoltaic cell prices plunge and wind power and solar ramp up towards 50 pct share

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Spain gives the green light to 3,155.8 MW of solar photovoltaic energy and 390.7 MW of wind power in Q2 2024

Spain granted permits for 3,526.5 MW of new photovoltaic and wind energy projects during the second quarter of 2024, according to a report by research firm Opina 360, which extracts figures from BOE announcements. Compared to the first quarter, this is a capacity drop of 40.8%, according to the report written for the organizers of … Continue reading Spain gives the green light to 3,155.8 MW of solar photovoltaic energy and 390.7 MW of wind power in Q2 2024

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Immediate actions needed to unblock grid capacity for more wind energy

Getting access to the electricity grid is now the number one bottleneck to deploying renewables at scale. Across Europe hundreds of gigawatts of wind energy projects have applied for a grid connection permit and are waiting for an answer. The resulting grid connection queues have led to administrative overload and serious delays in the much-needed … Continue reading Immediate actions needed to unblock grid capacity for more wind energy

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Transatlantic Energy Highway: Is a Global Power Grid on the Horizon?

There are a great number of challenges standing between the current global energy landscape and decarbonization. Even though the installation of renewable energy production capacity is picking up speed, experts say that the growth rate is insufficient to achieve the goals set forth by the Paris Climate Agreement. However, in some places, the amount of … Continue reading Transatlantic Energy Highway: Is a Global Power Grid on the Horizon?

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Prices fall in most European electricity markets while the German market breaks historical price and photovoltaic energy records

In the last week of June, prices in most major European electricity markets fell compared to the previous week. The exceptions were the Iberian and German markets. In the latter, the weekly average increased due to the price of €2325.83/MWh reached in one hour on June 26, when the single European market decoupled. This is … Continue reading Prices fall in most European electricity markets while the German market breaks historical price and photovoltaic energy records

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Solar photovoltaic and wind energy in the third week of June

In the third week of June, prices in most major European electricity markets increased compared to the previous week. The main causes of this rise were the increase in average temperatures, which favored the increase in demand in most markets, as well as the generalized decrease in wind energy production and the decrease in solar … Continue reading Solar photovoltaic and wind energy in the third week of June

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RWE receives approvals for wind farm off the German North Sea coast

German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency issues planning approvals for the first phase of the 1.6-gigawatt Nordseecluster. Construction of Nordseecluster A with a capacity of 660 megawatts due to start in 2025 with full commissioning planned for early 2027. Nordseecluster B to add a further 900 megawatts of capacity from early 2029. Nordseecluster expected to … Continue reading RWE receives approvals for wind farm off the German North Sea coast

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Nordex receives orders for 172 MW of wind energy in Germany

The operating group orders eleven N163/6.X wind turbines. Order intake on the German market has once again developed well for the Nordex Group. More recently, the Group received orders amounting to approximately 172 MW for various clients. The largest of the awarded projects is being built in Lower Saxony: the Nordex group supplied eleven N163/6.X … Continue reading Nordex receives orders for 172 MW of wind energy in Germany

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US Energy Storage Market Sets Q1 Capacity Installation Record

The U.S. energy storage market set a first-quarter record for capacity installed in Q1 2024, with 1,265 megawatts (MW) deployed across all segments. This marks the highest storage capacity ever installed in a first quarter in the U.S., representing an 84% increase from Q1 2023.   According to Wood Mackenzie and the American Clean Power Association’s … Continue reading US Energy Storage Market Sets Q1 Capacity Installation Record

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