Tag Archives: biodiversidad

Response from the Spanish Wind Energy Association to the SEO/Birdlife “Eco-illogical” campaign

Response from the Spanish Wind Energy Association to the SEO/Birdlife “Eco-illogical” campaign: Renewables are part of the solution to climate change and also a responsible example of harmonious coexistence with biodiversity in Spain. From the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE), we recognize the commitment of SEO/BirdLife to the defense of biodiversity and we share the … Continue reading Response from the Spanish Wind Energy Association to the SEO/Birdlife “Eco-illogical” campaign

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Large-scale photovoltaic plants can foster abundant biodiversity

NREL collects detailed data on the interactions among habitat, pollinators, soil, and solar photovoltaic (PV) energy production. The growth in utility-scale solar development is leading to questions about how best to use the land underneath solar panels and what impacts solar installations have on soil and habitat. An increasingly common practice is to establish habitat … Continue reading Large-scale photovoltaic plants can foster abundant biodiversity

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Sicily produces photovoltaic energy and good wine together

In Salaparuta, the Cantine Vaccaro vineyard lives in perfect harmony with photovoltaic panels. The installation is part of the “Agrivoltaico Open Labs” initiative, a series of open-air innovation laboratories where we test the integration of solar energy production, agriculture and biodiversity protection. What does good wine have to do with renewable electricity? The answer is … Continue reading Sicily produces photovoltaic energy and good wine together

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Ground-based photovoltaic solar energy projects can be “a refuge for biodiversity”

The Spanish Photovoltaic Union, the majority sector association of solar energy in Spain, has organized today the II Conference on Sustainability and Photovoltaic Plants, in which the main results of the III Report on Sustainability and Solar Energy prepared by the independent environmental consultancy have been presented. EMAT. This report includes the results obtained in … Continue reading Ground-based photovoltaic solar energy projects can be “a refuge for biodiversity”

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Photovoltaic solar power plants can provide a vital home for native insects

Solar farms can provide key habitats for insects and other pollinators to rehabilitate the local environment, according to new research. US researchers have found that when fields housing solar photovoltaics (PVs) are planted with native plants, they can attract large numbers of insects which improve the biodiversity of the area. A monarch caterpillar on a … Continue reading Photovoltaic solar power plants can provide a vital home for native insects

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