Tag Archives: aves

The president of Extremadura and the CEO of Endesa visit the first steppe bird reserve in a photovoltaic plant

The Puerta Palmas solar plant has become a biodiversity refuge thanks to the creation of a reserve of more than ten hectares dedicated to the conservation of the little bustard, a steppe bird in danger of extinction. Endesa’s solar plants in Extremadura are an example of coexistence between technology and the environment thanks to the … Continue reading The president of Extremadura and the CEO of Endesa visit the first steppe bird reserve in a photovoltaic plant

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Britain’s smallest bird of prey continues to thrive at Ray wind farm

With only 1000 pairs in the UK, the merlin is red listed in the country. One of the habitats where the bird has successfully bred is Vattenfall’s Ray wind farm in north-eastern England. The merlin, Britain’s smallest bird of prey, has suffered a decline in the past, with an estimated population of around 1,000 pairs … Continue reading Britain’s smallest bird of prey continues to thrive at Ray wind farm

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Wind turbines aims to limit harm to birds

The threat posed to birds by wind turbines has long been debated. A wind farm being built off Finland’s west coast will feature a new system designed to limit the danger — potentially setting a new standard for future wind power facilities in the country.   The 11-turbine maritime wind farm to open next summer on Tahkoluoto Island … Continue reading Wind turbines aims to limit harm to birds

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Wind Turbines Kill Around 300,000 Birds Annually, House Cats Around 3,000,000,000

Wind turbines kill between 214,000 and 368,000 birds annually — a small fraction compared with the estimated 6.8 million fatalities from collisions with cell and radio towers and the 1.4 billion to 3.7 billion deaths from cats, according to the peer-reviewed study by two federal scientists and the environmental consulting firm West Inc. “We estimate that on … Continue reading Wind Turbines Kill Around 300,000 Birds Annually, House Cats Around 3,000,000,000

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Birds Collision with Wind Turbines at Wind Energy Facilities

Small passerines, sometimes referred to as perching birds or songbirds, are the most abundant bird group in the United States (US) and Canada, and the most common among bird fatalities caused by collision with turbines at wind energy facilities. We used data compiled from 116 studies conducted in the US and Canada to estimate the … Continue reading Birds Collision with Wind Turbines at Wind Energy Facilities

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Wind turbines kill fewer birds than do cats, cell towers

Wind turbines kill far fewer birds in North America than do cats or collisions with cell towers, says a study out Monday. As wind power expands in the United States, critics often blame giant turbine blades for bird deaths. What’s billed as the most comprehensive analysis ever of these fatalities says birds face far greater … Continue reading Wind turbines kill fewer birds than do cats, cell towers

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Wind farm operators also are seeking ways to reduce bird collisions

As wind power become more and more commonplace, one frequently hears about the dangers that wind turbines pose to birds. Multiple studies have looked at bird mortality due to collisions with these wind turbines. Indeed, estimates are that from 150,000 and 300,000 birds fall victim to wind turbines each year and with increasing numbers of … Continue reading Wind farm operators also are seeking ways to reduce bird collisions

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Serial Bird Killers? The True Toll of Infamous Wind Turbines

Pity the birds. As if cats weren’t bad enough, humans have invented all sorts of torture devices for our winged friends. We’ve paved over their nesting sites to make room for Olive Gardens and have broken up their skyscapes with glass buildings and radio towers. Then came the most infamous bird killer of all: the … Continue reading Serial Bird Killers? The True Toll of Infamous Wind Turbines

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