Dirkshof ordered twenty N117 / 3600 turbines from the Nordex Group for the “Reussenkoege” city wind farm in Germany. The order also includes a premium service contract that covers a five-year period with a three-time option to extend for another five years.
The “Reussenkoege” city wind farm is a repowering project in North Frisia, near the North Sea coast. The plan is to replace the 2MW class turbines. The installation of the twenty N117 / 3600 turbines, each with a capacity of 3.6 MW and a hub height of 91 meters, will begin in 2021. Commissioning of the last turbine is scheduled for 2022.
Karsten Brüggemann, Nordex Group Vice President Central Region: “We are delighted with the order from Dirkshof. The average wind farm in Germany consists of two or three turbines. This is the result of topography and population density, as well as noise and shadow effects. Wind farms with twenty turbines like Reussenkoege are large by German standards. As this project shows, repowering can certainly involve a greater number of turbines as a group of old turbines can be replaced by a few new turbines. And a particularly important factor in the case of the Reussenkoege project was the low sound power level of the N117 / 3600s ”.
At the German auction for onshore wind turbines in December 2020, Dirkshof was awarded the contract for the 20-turbine Reussenkoege project.
In 2020, onshore wind turbines with a total capacity of 1,431 MW were built in Germany. Compared to this all-time low of 2019, installations increased by approx. 46 percent. Last year, at 232 MW, the Nordex Group saw an increase in installations of 114 percent compared to 2019.
The Dirkshof in Sönke-Nissen-Koog is one of the North German pioneers in the wind industry, which has been successfully active in the field of renewable energy for 30 years. In addition to turnkey project development, as well as commercial and technical management, Dirkshof’s stated goal is to advance green energy refinement and maintain added value and local job security. The Reußenköge wind farm is the largest citizen wind farm in Europe with 85 wind turbines and currently 255 MW of installed capacity.
The Group has installed more than 32 GW of wind power capacity in more than 40 markets and generated sales of around 4.6 billion euros in 2020. The company currently has more than 8,500 employees. The Group’s manufacturing network includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the United States, India and Mexico. Its product portfolio is mainly focused on onshore turbines in the 4 to 5.X MW class, which are designed to meet the market requirements of countries with limited available space and regions with limited grid capacity.