The public consultation opens space for two offshore wind poweer projects. Ceará already has two proposals under study on offshore wind energy: one wind farm to install wind turbines in Caucaia and another in Camocim. Brazil does not yet have active offshore wind farms.
Opening a public consultation for the license of offshore wind farms in Brazil is a great start for the two offshore generation projects in Ceará to take off. The evaluation is carried out by Jurandir Picanço, energy consultant of the Federation of Industries of the State of Ceará (Fiec) and president of the Chamber of the Renewable Energy Sector of Ceará. He welcomed the decision of the Brazilian Environment Institute (Ibama) to open a public consultation until April 3 to receive contributions and build a model for the environmental license of offshore wind farms in Brazil.
According to the consultant, companies are evaluating the viability of offshore wind projects in Caucaia and Camocim. Picanço explained that, although the wind conditions in the state are better compared to other locations in the world, it is necessary to consider the logistics costs involved.
Among the expenses is also the investment in the transport of wind turbines that can be by road or river. Picanço evaluated Ibama’s decision as extremely advantageous, noting that there are no projects for offshore wind power generation in Brazil.
“It’s very positive, because we still don’t have an installation of this size in Brazil, and for that to happen, there must be a regulation. This is a breakthrough because we will have to adopt rules for these projects, ”he said.
Last year, Fiec also organized a seminar on the subject, so that environmental agencies could understand some demands of investors interested in the local market. “One of the businessmen even held a seminar here in Ceará, inviting people from Ibama and Semace (State Superintendent of the Environment) to encourage this regulation. This public consultation comes to regulate the implementation of a project, ”said Picanço.
The consultant also considered that the public consultation will open the possibility that the regulatory process receives contributions from environmental experts not yet involved. “This problem has been going on for more than a year, with projects requesting the approval of Ibama and this is a sign that it has advanced, since we already have a model suggestion to apply and analyze in public consultation,” said Picanço.
The consultant also said that the Energy Atlas, launched by the State Government at the end of last year, will be an important point of attraction for foreign investors to make contributions in Ceará. “With the Atlas, we show that conditions are extremely good,” he said.