Tag Archives: BW Ideol

Launch of the BATSO Project to Optimize Heavy Maintenance of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

Funded with €2.9 million by ADEME as part of France 2030 (a French State Investment Plan) and in response to the DEMO Tase call for projects, the BATSO project aims to define and validate tools and methods for the replacement of major components in offshore wind turbines. These methods are intended to be less costly … Continue reading Launch of the BATSO Project to Optimize Heavy Maintenance of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

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BW Ideol launches its updated design of floating platform for 15 MW+ wind turbines

During the Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWT) event held recently in Marseille, BW Ideol unveiled the update of its floating platform called Damping Pool. It is a barge-type platform made of concrete. This platform has been in operation since 2018 with two prototypes in France and Japan, and now it’s being updated to accommodate 15 … Continue reading BW Ideol launches its updated design of floating platform for 15 MW+ wind turbines

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BW Ideol and ADEME Investissement create a joint offshore floating wind development company

BW Ideol, a global leader in offshore floating wind, and ADEME Investissement, a state-owned French financier of innovative infrastructure projects, have today entered into a final agreement for a EUR 40 million funding by ADEME Investissement of BW Ideol’s project development activities.Under the agreement, BW Ideol will transfer its co-development project portfolio to the project … Continue reading BW Ideol and ADEME Investissement create a joint offshore floating wind development company

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BW Ideol teams up with Elawan Energy for multi-GW floating offshore wind projects in the Iberian Peninsula

BW Ideol has signed a Head of Terms with Elawan Energy, an ORIX company based in Spain, for the joint development of a multi-GW floating offshore wind pipeline off Spain and Portugal, subject to further negotiation of the final agreement between the Parties.Elawan Energy is a leading player in the field of renewable energy in … Continue reading BW Ideol teams up with Elawan Energy for multi-GW floating offshore wind projects in the Iberian Peninsula

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BW Ideol signs an agreement with EDF Renewables & Maple Power for the upcoming floating wind tender in the Mediterranean Sea

BW Ideol announces today that it has signed an agreement with the consortium made of EDF Renouvelables, a subsidiary of the EDF group, and Maple Power, a joint venture between CPP Investments and Enbridge Inc., to cooperate on the design of floating foundations for the AO6 floating offshore wind tender.This call for tender relates to … Continue reading BW Ideol signs an agreement with EDF Renewables & Maple Power for the upcoming floating wind tender in the Mediterranean Sea

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EolMed partnership makes FID for 30MW French floating wind farm

The EolMed partnership, comprising Qair, TotalEnergies and BW Ideol, has made the final investment decision (FID) for its 30MW offshore floating wind development. BW Ideol is a leading fully integrated platform in floating offshore wind with more than 10 years of experience from design, execution and development of floating wind projects based on Ideol S.A.’s … Continue reading EolMed partnership makes FID for 30MW French floating wind farm

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BW Ideol has signed an agreement to acquire a 5% ownership in the 30MW EOLMED floating wind energy pilot project

BW Ideol has signed an agreement to acquire a 5% ownership in the 30MW EOLMED floating wind power pilot project in the French Mediterranean. This investment confirms the company’s dual-trackgrowth strategy as co-developer of floating wind projects and as floating foundation EPCI provider.BW Ideol and Qair have been cooperating on the project since 2016 and … Continue reading BW Ideol has signed an agreement to acquire a 5% ownership in the 30MW EOLMED floating wind energy pilot project

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