AENOR has certified Iberdrola Energía Internacional, Iberdrola Renovables Internacional and Iberdrola Clientes Internacional in relation to the ISO 37001:2016 (Anti-bribery Management System) standard and UNE 19601:2017 (Criminal Compliance Systems) standard, after verifying that the companies have an effective anti-bribery management system and an effective criminal compliance management system.
These international standards set the requirements and provide a guide to establish, implement, maintain, review and improve the mechanisms to combat bribery and prevent criminal activity in companies. The company is therefore reinforcing its compliance with the law and protecting itself against criminal and other liabilities and impacts (sanctions, fines, reputational impact, etc.) that any such illegal conduct may cause.
The other Iberdrola group companies in Spain have also been similarly certified. All the group companies are now AENOR certified or undergo equivalent, external reviews of their compliance systems.
This is enabling Iberdrola to make further progress with its commitment to best international practices in compliance while reflecting some of its values, such as ethical principles, transparency and good corporate governance.
Among the group’s corporate governance and regulatory compliance policies are the Crime prevention policy and the Anti-corruption and anti-fraud policy, both of which were approved by the company’s Board of Directors in December 2010 and 2016, respectively.
The former aims to convey to all Iberdrola executives, employees, and third parties who have dealings with the company, a clear message of opposition to crime, as well as the company’s willingness to combat them and to prevent any possible deterioration of its image and reputational value.
The latter, on the same line, seeks to convey Iberdrola’s firm opposition to fraud and corruption of all kinds, and its will to eradicate it from all its activities.
In this context, obtaining certification relating to ISO 37001:2016 and UNE 19601:2017 granted by AENOR is yet more evidence of Iberdrola’s commitment to best international practices in the fight against corruption and cements the company’s position as a benchmark in these matters.