The Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) granted the definitive concession to develop the activity of generating electricity with Renewable Energy Resources in the Wind Power Plant “Parque Eólico San Juan de 131.1 MW”, located in the Ica region, which will provide clean and efficient energy to the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN) to meet the demand for electricity throughout the country.
According to Ministerial Resolution No. 102-2021-MINEM / DM, published in the Official Gazette El Peruano, the future wind power plant will be built by the company Energía Renovable del Sur. Likewise, it will have an installed capacity of 131.1 MW and will be located in the Marcona district, Nasca province, Ica department.
The investment for the execution of this important project exceeds 500 million soles and the start of works is scheduled for April 1, 2022, while the commercial start-up (POC) will be, at the latest, on December 31 from 2024, in accordance with the works execution schedule that is part of the contract.
Employment and dynamism
The Minister of Energy and Mines, Jaime Gálvez, affirmed that investments in renewable energies not only generate jobs and an important economic dynamism, considering the situation that the country is going through, but also ensure a sustainable supply for the electricity demand of all Peruvians.
The legal device authorizes the general director of Electricity of Minem to sign on behalf of the State, the Concession Contract No. 563-2021, which consists of 19 clauses and four annexes, as well as the corresponding Public Deed.