Bío Bío is the second with the highest investment in wind energy in Chile

Authorities visited the Alena Wind Farm and announced the Economic Reactivation Plan through sustainable projects for the Biobío Province.

Investment in Clean Energy will be one of the most important axes in the Recovery Plan and also in the commitment to provide infrastructure for the sustainable development of our country, specifically related to promoting renewable energy, in this and other regions, generating, among others benefits, thousands of jobs.

In this context, the Governor of the Province of Biobío, Ignacio Fica, together with the Seremi de Energía, Mauricio Henríquez, visited the Alena Wind Farm Project in Los Angeles, to present the Economic Reactivation Plan in the energy sector, in the framework of the Chile Se Recupera Step by Step Plan.

The Biobío region has 15 prioritized projects, 10 of them in energy matters, of which 6 are in the Province of Biobío.
The Seremi de Energía, Mauricio Henríquez, explained that the Biobío region is the second with the highest investment in Wind Farms with USD1.2 billion. “The Province of Biobío, between Los Angeles, Mulchén and Negrete concentrates more than 800 million dollars,” he announced.

Meanwhile, he also said that only in the field of energy, the creation of around 2,000 direct jobs is expected in the region.

In the same field of the Alena Wind Farm Project, whose investment amounts to USD90 million, Governor Ignacio Fica highlighted that “the province of Biobío is becoming the province of renewable energy. People can easily realize the large amount of wind power infrastructure “.
Icaro Bernd, Alena Wind Farm project manager, indicated that “the importance of this park is associated with others as well (in terms of its total potential). He also highlighted the commitment to the community that this project has, as well as to the area. and the environment, highlighting joint work and job creation.

The entry into the Environmental Impact Assessment System (Seia) of non-conventional renewable energy projects in the Bío Bío Region does not stop despite the pandemic.

The company Rubén Solar SpA entered the Parque Solar Santa Pamela project, and consists of the construction and operation of a 6.77 MWp photovoltaic park of maximum installed power. The site of the works is located entirely in the commune of Los Angeles and will occupy an area of ??approximately 15.88 ha.

The Solar Photovoltaic Plant (CSF) is made up of 16,524 units of 410 Wp panels, which add up to a total of 6.77MWp.

These photovoltaic modules are grouped in sets or chains, making up 612 strings in total. The strings are connected to the 36 inverters distributed in the solar field.

The outlook is auspicious if other initiatives entered in 2020 are taken into account. In April, the Energy Ministry, Mauricio Henríquez, reported that the solar potential of the Bío Bío Region, taking into account projects under evaluation, approved and under construction, it reaches an installed power of 253 MW, which would be equivalent to 5% of the regional electricity matrix, which is quite a lot, considering that the wind component currently has a 2% share. It is something like two coal-fired power plants like Bocamina 1, enough to cover the demand of regulated customers in Concepción, San Pedro de la Paz and Chiguayante, he said, and since then three new initiatives of this type have entered.