Andrés Manuel López Obrador makes fun of wind power and coronavirus

Former President Felipe Calderón tried Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for naming wind turbines “fans”, as well as for being against wind energy and promoting the use of coal and oil.
Calderón Hinojosa published through his social networks a note by López Obrador, where they criticize the conservative governments that allowed the installation of wind energy and wind turbines that affect the landscape.
For his part, AMLO toured the interior of the republic, visiting the “La Rumorosa” highway and wind farm in the municipality of Tecate, Baja California, a place where he regretted that with this decision, “it would render little benefit to Mexicans.”

Andrés Manuel López Obrador is ruin for Mexico, and an irresponsible before the pandemic of the coronovirus and climate change.

First Donald Trump, then Boris Johnson and now López Obrador. This is the podium of irresponsible leaders who are taking their citizens to be exposed to extermination by the coronavirus. The Mexican president has been minimizing the consequences of the pandemic for several weeks, including ridiculing the situation when he stated in a morning conference that «The protective shield is honesty. That is what protects, not allowing corruption ”, while showing a scapular with the legend“ Stop enemy, the heart of Jesus is with me ”.

What the López Obrador government is really doing is abandoning its citizens to the coronavirus to protect economic interests.