Green Label: six Peruvian companies guarantee sustainability

Consumers’ growing attention to environmental sustainability requires companies to be transparent about their production processes and recognized for their sustainable management practices. According to a recent study by Ipsos, consumers have become increasingly aware of and careful about what they buy, selecting companies who’ve taken concrete actions to foster sustainability, but they have trouble distinguishing which companies are truly sustainable.

Principled production isn’t enough. Companies must communicate their commitment by providing clear, accurate information about how the product comes about, i.e. what happens during production and distribution and how production impacts the environment.

For this reason, Enel Green Power awarded six Peruvian companies the Green Label, certifying their use of energy entirely from renewable sources for production processes.

Green Label: EGP’s confirmation of clean energy

Consumers should consider it a “sign of quality” that helps them immediately identify products and companies that use clean energy generated by Enel Green Power for industrial and commercial processes

“Currently, the purpose of companies no longer resides only in achieving good financial results, but also in creating strategies that have a positive impact on society. In that context, EGP’s Green Label represents an opportunity for our customers, since they can certify to their stakeholders that they are committed to responsible, clean and competitive electricity consumption.”

– María del Pilar Matto, Head of Front Office and Commercialization of Enel Peru

This project is in line with our ever-growing dedication to actively assisting countries and companies in their transition to green energy by completely decarbonizing electricity production. EGP is increasing its investment in renewable energies, thereby making a significant contributionto achieving the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs), established to counteract climate change.


After completing a thorough audit, EGP certified 4.8 TWh of energy generated from renewable resources (mainly hydroelectric) in 2018. It then awarded the Green Label to companies who had used 100% of that clean energy. The six companies that received the Green Label are: Ajinomoto, Nestlé, Falabella Group, Molycop, Indeco and BSH Peru.

The certification, given to some of EGP’s most important clients in Peru, is also an incentive to create a national network of #EmpresasConPropósito (i.e. Active Companies), as we know full-well that to achieve our sustainability goals and have a positive impact on society and the environment, we must work together.