The president of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, who participated in the Brazil Investment Forum 2019 (Sao Paulo), had the opportunity to expose the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, the firm commitment of the company to the country.
In the course of a constant meeting between the two, Galán has assured that – through its Brazilian subsidiary, Neoenergia- Iberdrola will allocate another 6.6 billion euros to Brazil until 2022 to continue growing in the areas of wind energy, production, transport and distribution electric power
The president of the group has explained to Bolsonaro that, thanks to investments of 14.5 billion euros over the last 20 years, Neoenergía has established itself as one of the main electrical operators in the country, with 700,000 kilometers of lines that operate needs of supply of 34 million people and a generation capacity -operative or under construction- of 5,000 MW.