Enel Green Power Spain starts a 51 MW wind power plant in Cuenca

Endesa, through its renewable energy subsidiary Enel Green Power Spain, has begun construction of a 51 MW wind farm in the municipality of Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca). The construction of this wind energy plant, which will be completed by the end of the year will involve an investment of 55 million euros.

“Endesa is making a very important investment effort in renewable energies to lead the energy transition,” said Endesa CEO José Bogas. “At the end of the year, the 879 renewable MW that the company won in the two auctions will be operational. of 2017 organized by the Government, which demonstrates the company’s commitment for Spain to achieve its green energy objectives ”.


The new park adds to the 519 MW of wind power that EGPE is currently building in Aragon, Castilla y León, Andalucía and Galicia, of which 445 MW are part of the 540 MW of wind power allocated to the company in the auction of capacity of renewable energy held by the Spanish Government in May 2017. In addition, EGPE has 339 MW of photovoltaic solar power under construction, awarded to EGPE in the third renewable energy auction of the Spanish Government, held in July 2017. Together, the construction of all these parks, which will increase Endesa’s wind and solar power by 52.4%, represents the investment of some 800 million euros until 2020.


The construction of this renewable capacity responds to Endesa’s strategy to decarbonize its generation mix, a process whose first milestone is to reach 8.4 GW of renewable installed capacity in 2021, compared to the current 6.5 GW, with a total investment of about 2,000 million euros.


When the Motilla del Palancar wind farm is operational, at the end of 2019, it will generate more than 144 GWh per year, which will prevent the emission of approximately 95,000 tons of CO2 annually into the atmosphere. It will be equipped with 17 wind turbines of 3 MW of unit power.


The development of the project is based on the “Sustainable Construction Site” model of Enel Green Power Spain, which includes the installation of photovoltaic solar panels in each work to cover part of its energy needs. In addition, water saving measures will be carried out by installing deposits and rainwater collection systems. Once the construction works are finished, both the photovoltaic panels and the water saving equipment will be donated to the municipalities where the projects are located for public use.


For the construction of this park, EGPE employs various innovative tools and techniques, such as construction machines equipped with active safety systems that warn operators to avoid collisions, drones for surveying, intelligent tracking of turbine components, platforms Advanced digital and software solutions to remotely monitor and support the different activities and commissioning of the plant. These solutions allow faster, more precise and reliable data collection in the different activities, which increases the overall quality of the construction and facilitates communication between the equipment that is inside and outside the work area.


Endesa currently manages more than 6,638 MW of renewable capacity in Spain. Of this figure, 4,710 MW are of conventional hydraulic generation. The rest, more than 1,928 MW, are managed through EGPE and come from wind power (1,750 MW), mini hydro (79 MW) and other renewable energy sources (99 MW).


Enel Green Power, the global renewable energy business line of the Enel Group, to which Endesa belongs, is dedicated to the development and operation of renewables worldwide, with a presence in Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Enel Green Power is a global leader in the green energy sector with a managed capacity of about 43 GW in a generation combination that includes wind, solar, geothermal and hydroelectric, and is at the forefront of the integration of innovative technologies in power plants renewable energy.