Currently 16 wind farms are operating representing 386,62 megawatts of installed capacity, 2 in San Jose and 14 in Guanacaste; 13 of these are private.
The National Electric System (SEN) reached its biggest number in generation of wind power so far, with just six week left in 2018 before it comes to an end, the country has accumulated 1,512.65 gigawatt hours, surpassing the 1,287.68 gigawatt hours generated in 2017.
The wind turbines will pass for second year in a row as the second source of importance within the Costa Rican electric matrix. To date it represents 15.2% of the 2018 electric generation only behind water with 74% In a decade the country quadrupled its wind production.
January reported the highest wind farm generation during this year with 202 gigawatts hour, while October was the month with lower production with 70.62 gigawatts hour, a pattern that has maintained this way for 22 years. Costa Rica was the first country in Latin America to incorporate wind in its matrix in 1996.
By the end of 2018, Costa Rica will be able to surpass the 98% in renewable electric generation for fourth consecutive year. This will be achieved through the diversity of the electric matrix which brings together give resources throughout the year depending on their availability in the environment.