Tag Archives: Europa

Ten reasons for the growing popularity of photovoltaics (PV) in Europe

The interest in photovoltaic solar power is witnessing a rapid surge throughout Europe. This trend is expected to persist due to the increasing number of European nations shifting towards clean and sustainable energy sources. By opting to install solar panels, individuals can significantly reduce or completely eradicate their conventional electricity expenses. This not only helps … Continue reading Ten reasons for the growing popularity of photovoltaics (PV) in Europe

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Repowering of wind farms: a great opportunity for wind power in Europe

WindEurope’s annual “End of Life Issues and Strategies” event (EoLIS 2023) showcases what happens to wind farms when they reach the end of their operational life. The event covers how you dismantle and dispose of old turbines sustainably. And how you repower them – replacing old turbines with new ones. Repowering can play a key … Continue reading Repowering of wind farms: a great opportunity for wind power in Europe

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Iberdrola signs a €1,000 million loan with the EIB to accelerate the energy transition in Europe

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Iberdrola have signed a new financing agreement worth €1 billion to fast forward the energy transition in Europe by building an extensive network of 19 solar power plants and 3 onshore wind farms in Spain, Portugal and Germany.  With a total installed capacity of 2.2 GW, the projects envisage … Continue reading Iberdrola signs a €1,000 million loan with the EIB to accelerate the energy transition in Europe

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Energy Storage Coalition launched – more flexibility to help decarbonise Europe

On 4 May 2023 the Energy Storage Coalition, a new organisation aimed at accelerating the decarbonisation of the European energy system by increasing the deployment of sustainable and clean energy storage solutions to support renewables, hosted its launch event. The event was attended by over 150 policymakers, industry and associations representatives. It provided an opportunity … Continue reading Energy Storage Coalition launched – more flexibility to help decarbonise Europe

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Position paper from ESTELA, DCSP and Protermosolar on New Electricity Market Design

The European Commission has published a Consultation on the Electricity Market Design. The Commission is particularly concerned about high electricity prices and has the objective to ensure consumers – both households and companies– can access affordable and secure energy from sustainable and renewable sources both now and in the long term. ESTELA, DCSP and Protermosolar … Continue reading Position paper from ESTELA, DCSP and Protermosolar on New Electricity Market Design

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Repowering Europe’s wind farms is a win-win-win

What happens when wind turbines reach the end of their lifetime? WindEurope’s annual “End of Life Issues and Strategies” event (EoLIS2022) showcases the latest trends in repowering, decommissioning, dismantling and recycling of wind turbines. The latest data presented at the event shows the benefits of repowering. It nearly triples the capacity of a wind farm … Continue reading Repowering Europe’s wind farms is a win-win-win

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WindEurope CEO on Ukraine and the implications for Europe’s energy policy

The events of the last few weeks have shocked and saddened all of us in the wind energy community. As an industry that has companies, partners and colleagues in Ukraine, we stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people in the face of Russian aggression. Our colleagues who run the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association, Andriy and … Continue reading WindEurope CEO on Ukraine and the implications for Europe’s energy policy

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Europe invests a record €26bn in offshore wind energy in 2020

Despite COVID constraints, Europe confirmed a record amount of €26.3bn of investments in new offshore wind farms in 2020. This will finance 7.1 GW of new offshore wind which will be built in the coming years. Last year Europe built 2.9 GW of new offshore wind. Europe now has 25 GW of offshore wind capacity. … Continue reading Europe invests a record €26bn in offshore wind energy in 2020

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FROM GREEN DEAL TO GREEN RECOVERY: A joint initiative of the EU solar industry

In early 2020, the proposal of the European Commission to launch a “Green Deal” set an ambitious double objective for the sake of European citizens’ wealth and health : increasing the European contribution to fight climate change while boosting the European economy. Within a few months, the COVID-19 crisis added a dramatic level of urgency … Continue reading FROM GREEN DEAL TO GREEN RECOVERY: A joint initiative of the EU solar industry

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Europe installs a record 3.6 GW of offshore wind energy in 2019

Europe installed 3.6 GW of new offshore wind power capacity in 2019, according to statistics released today by WindEurope. This is a new record in annual installations. 10 new offshore wind farms came online across 5 countries. The UK accounted for nearly half of the new capacity with 1.7 GW. Then came Germany (1.1 GW), … Continue reading Europe installs a record 3.6 GW of offshore wind energy in 2019

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Wind energy now provides 14% of Europe’s electricity

Wind power provided 14% of the EU’s electricity last year, up from 12% in 2017, according to statistics released today by WindEurope. Wind power capacity rose in Europe by 11.3 GW in 2018: 8.6 GW onshore wind turbines and 2.65 GW offshore wind farm.   Continued growth in capacity and the use of more powerful … Continue reading Wind energy now provides 14% of Europe’s electricity

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European offshore wind energy capacity grew by 18% in 2018

Europe installed 2.6 GW of new offshore wind energy capacity in 2018, according to statistics released today by WindEurope. That’s an 18% increase in Europe’s offshore wind capacity. 15 new offshore wind farms came on line. The UK and Germany accounted for 85% of the new wind power capacity: 1.3 GW and 969 MW respectively. … Continue reading European offshore wind energy capacity grew by 18% in 2018

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Offshore wind energy in Europe grew 25% in 2017

2017 was a record year for offshore wind in Europe according to statistics released today by WindEurope. Europe installed 3.1 GW of new offshore wind, taking total capacity to 15.8 GW, an increase of 25% in just one year.   13 new offshore wind farms were completed, including the world’s first floating offshore wind farm, … Continue reading Offshore wind energy in Europe grew 25% in 2017

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WindEurope advocates European offshore wind developments at Marine Energy Conference in Le Havre

In the run up to the presidential elections, the marine energy industry gathered in Le Havre for the Seanergy trade fare and a policy conference on 22 March. The gathering, which featured senior industry representatives, the President of the Normandy region and the French Director General for Energy and Climate, was hosted by WindEurope member … Continue reading WindEurope advocates European offshore wind developments at Marine Energy Conference in Le Havre

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Wind Power Chalks Up More Strong Numbers

The Global Wind Energy Council released its annual market statistics today: the 2016 market was more than 54 GW, bringing total global installed capacity to nearly 487 GW. Led by China, the US, Germany, and India; and with surprisingly strong showings from France, Turkey and the Netherlands, the global market was nonetheless less than 2015’s … Continue reading Wind Power Chalks Up More Strong Numbers

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Wind in power: 2016 European statistics

Wind accounted for 51% of all new power installations in 2016, connecting a total of 12.5 GW to the grid across the 28 EU Member States – 10.923 MW in onshore and 1,567 MW offshore. Europe installed 12.5 GW of gross additional wind capacity in 2016. This was 3% less than the new installations in … Continue reading Wind in power: 2016 European statistics

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Offshore wind power industry sets record year for installations in first half of 2015

In the first six months of 2015, the European offshore wind energy industry installed more new capacity than in any other year on record as several projects reached completion and deployment of larger wind turbines increased. Installations in the first half of 2015 touched 2,342.9MW – tripling the grid-connected capacity for the same period last … Continue reading Offshore wind power industry sets record year for installations in first half of 2015

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557 GW of new renewable energy capacity to come online in Europe by 2030

The next decade and a half will see renewable energy raise its share of European electricity generation capacity from 40% in 2012, to 60% in 2030, while the share of fossil-fuel sources such as coal and gas falls from 48% to 27%, according to a major report from research company Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The … Continue reading 557 GW of new renewable energy capacity to come online in Europe by 2030

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Wind energy sector in Europe reaches 117 GW in 2013

The wind energy sector reached 117 GW of installed capacity in Europe in 2013. This is sufficient, in a normal wind year, to produce 257 TWh of electricity and supply 8% of the EU’s electricity consumption, according to a Strategic Research Agenda / Market Deployment Strategy (SRA/MDS) published by the European Wind Energy Technology Platform … Continue reading Wind energy sector in Europe reaches 117 GW in 2013

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