Tag Archives: curtailment

Curtailing solar photovoltaics is here to stay

As the penetration of variable renewable energy increases, curtailment of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation will only increase. Since curtailment will almost always be cheaper than investing in new transmission capacity or new grid-scale storage, curtailed energy should be rewarded, so that PV investment decisions can include curtailment as one of the flexibility options for grid … Continue reading Curtailing solar photovoltaics is here to stay

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Curtailment in solar power refers to reducing the electricity generation from solar photovoltaic (PV)

Curtailment in solar power refers to reducing the electricity generation from solar photovoltaic (PV) systems below their full potential. This happens when the electricity produced exceeds what can be used or transmitted through the grid. Curtailment occurs for several reasons. One reason is grid capacity limits. The power grid has a maximum capacity for how … Continue reading Curtailment in solar power refers to reducing the electricity generation from solar photovoltaic (PV)

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Curtailment, Greece needs 7 GW of energy storage by 2030 to avoid photovoltaic cuts

Up to 20% of renewable electricity production is expected to be curtailed by 2030 in Greece if no new investments are made in energy storage. Greece is faced with ever-increasing curtailments of renewable energy production. Based on expectations from the revised National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), an attempt will be made to deal with … Continue reading Curtailment, Greece needs 7 GW of energy storage by 2030 to avoid photovoltaic cuts

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Curtailment: Europe throws 4,260 million of wind power and photovoltaic energy through the grid

Green energy discharges reach historic highs and are now equivalent to all Spanish photovoltaic production in three months European electricity networks cannot cope. The huge amount of new renewable power to meet ambitious decarbonization goals is putting stale electricity transmission systems in a difficult position. Transportation, through electrical networks that are clearly insufficient, needs modernization … Continue reading Curtailment: Europe throws 4,260 million of wind power and photovoltaic energy through the grid

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Batteries the key as photovoltaic cell prices plunge and wind power and solar ramp up towards 50 pct share

Renewable generation should be around 50 per cent of supply on Australia’s main grid by July, 2026, although it might be a bit less depending on progress on the second stage of Golden Plains, which will be the country’s biggest wind farm – at least for a time – when complete. To get to 80 … Continue reading Batteries the key as photovoltaic cell prices plunge and wind power and solar ramp up towards 50 pct share

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The Threat of Curtailment: A Danger for Photovoltaics in Greece

If in Solarletter #16 we mentioned that the excess of photovoltaic power in Spain was already becoming noticeable, this time we turn to Greece. A country with similar characteristics to Spain, not only in lifestyle but also in terms of weather conditions (at least in comparison to the south and the Mediterranean region; in the … Continue reading The Threat of Curtailment: A Danger for Photovoltaics in Greece

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Curtailment, record-low power prices threaten photovoltaic investments in Spain

Renewable energy promoters have underestimated the effects of restrictions and low wholesale prices, putting countries like Spain at risk of bankruptcy. In April, the average wholesale price in Spain reached a historic low of just over 5 euros per MWh.The situation is even worse if regional energy trade is taken into account. In Bulgaria, the … Continue reading Curtailment, record-low power prices threaten photovoltaic investments in Spain

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Curtailment of wind power and photovoltaic increase 219% as of March in Chile

Energy losses increase and reach more than 18% of the country’s wind and solar production in the first quarter The so-called energy discharges increased by 219% in the first three months of the year and already represent more than 54% of everything that was lost in 2023. The lack of growth in demand and gaps … Continue reading Curtailment of wind power and photovoltaic increase 219% as of March in Chile

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China contemplates expansion of photovoltaic curtailment

China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) and State Grid Corp. of China (SGCC) are deliberating on the possibility of elevating the current cap on photovoltaic (PV) curtailment to accommodate the mounting pressure from new renewable energy projects struggling to secure grid connections. Presently, only a maximum of 5% of PV output can be curtailed from solar … Continue reading China contemplates expansion of photovoltaic curtailment

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Spain wastes 2.1 billion in photovoltaic and wind energy due to lack of demand and networks

Last year, Spain added a renewable generation capacity of 8,400 megawatts to its electricity grid, made up of 5,899 megawatts of wind and photovoltaic energy, and around 2,500 photovoltaic megawatts for self-consumption. This dynamism in the renewable sector has not been accompanied by similar growth in grid infrastructure, resulting in areas where local grids lack … Continue reading Spain wastes 2.1 billion in photovoltaic and wind energy due to lack of demand and networks

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The economics of wind and photovoltaics (PV) demand massive investments in integration now

The expansion of renewable energy and electrification is growing rapidly in many parts of the world as momentum behind the global energy transition gathers pace. While the renewable energy technologies driving this change are well-known and, in many cases, cost competitive with fossil fuels, the fundamental infrastructure required for their deployment is lagging. Insufficient grid … Continue reading The economics of wind and photovoltaics (PV) demand massive investments in integration now

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World’s most advanced battery energy storage system comes online, speeding Hawaii’s transition to 100% renewable energy

Plus Power™ announced it has begun operating its Kapolei Energy Storage facility on Oahu, Hawaii, the most advanced grid-scale battery energy storage system in the world, helping transition the state’s electric power from coal and oil to solar photovoltaic and wind power.  “This is a landmark milestone in the transition to clean energy,” said Brandon Keefe, Plus Power’s Executive … Continue reading World’s most advanced battery energy storage system comes online, speeding Hawaii’s transition to 100% renewable energy

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Wind curtailment: An opportunity for battery energy storage?

The UK continues to scale up its renewable generation capacity, with the technology hitting various key milestones of late. For instance, the end of 2023 saw wind generation achieve a new national record with 21.8GW generated between 8:00 and 8:30 on the 21 December. As such, wind energy managed to secure a 56% stake in … Continue reading Wind curtailment: An opportunity for battery energy storage?

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