Norauto joins forces with EDP in its commitment to photovoltaic self-consumption

Norauto, which thus reinforces its commitment to sustainability, will avoid the emission of more than 290 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

Norauto, a leading company in the maintenance and comprehensive equipment of automobiles, is committed to energy self-consumption with the help of the energy company EDP, world leader in renewable energies. The company specialized in the repair and sale of passenger tires, rims, shock absorbers, spare parts and personal mobility vehicles will promote savings and sustainability through this agreement for the installation of photovoltaic panels in its centers in Spain.

Self-consumption is one of the energy solutions with the greatest savings potential, both for companies and industries and for homes. The total installed power is 1,443 MWp and the collaboration between both entities will generate an annual production of almost 2,100 MWh, in addition to avoiding the emission of 293 tons of CO2 each year, an impact on air quality similar to that generated by 1,815 new trees. .

This is another step for Norauto in its commitment to renewables and in its deployment of photovoltaic plants for self-consumption in its stores and workshops. The first of its autocenters to have a photovoltaic plant was Islazul, in the Community of Madrid. Now, a total of 26 autocenters will also have these plants in a further step towards energy self-sufficiency.

This alliance is based on an As-a-Service model, with the investment made by EDP, as well as its maintenance and operation, and establishing long-term contracts adjusted to Norauto’s needs.

José Ramón Sánchez, director of Development and Expansion at Norauto, states that “the company’s objective is to extend these photovoltaic plants in the vast majority of the centers in operation. This commitment is part of the Sustainable Development Plan promoted by the company, which advocates reducing energy consumption and minimizing the company’s impact on the planet. It is estimated that energy generation will cover 30% of the total consumption of each autocenter.”

For his part, Javier Flórez, commercial director of Large Accounts at EDP, highlighted that “we are a company firmly committed to the energy transition, which we lead, and alliances like this are essential to meet the decarbonization objectives of our companies.” . At EDP we continue working in the search for innovative and personalized solutions for our clients, solutions with which to respond to the different challenges we face with the adoption of more sustainable practices.”

This agreement is part of EDP’s Business Plan for the period 2023-2026, through which it plans to make investments worth 25,000 million euros to accelerate the deployment of renewable energies, the flexibility of the electrical system and the design of solutions innovative for their clients. This ambitious plan contributes to EDP’s goal of being 100% ecological by 2030.

For its part, Norauto works every day to reduce environmental impact through its Sustainable Development Plan. All the electrical energy contracted by the company comes from 100% renewable sources and, in addition, it is progressively installing LED lighting in all its auto centers. In this sense, Norauto has the ISO 14001 Environmental Management standard as a result of this commitment to the environment. In addition, the company is installing electric vehicle charging points in its automobile centers to facilitate precisely this mobility that is more respectful of the planet within its ‘Motorista & Responsible’ commitment.

EDP ????is a leading international energy group in value creation, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (World and STOXX) and is also a world leader in renewable energy.

In Spain, where the EDP Group directly employs more than 2,500 people, it is a benchmark in the energy market, present in generation, with more than 5,000 MW of installed power, 1.4 million supply points in distribution and a portfolio of marketing to business clients of electric energy, natural gas and services with consumption greater than 15 TWh/year.

Norauto is the European leader in multi-brand automobile equipment and maintenance, with more than 50 years accompanying motorists, it has 91 centers in Spain and more than 4 million customers. The company belongs to the Mobivia group, which has various companies spread across 19 countries around the world.

Norauto’s mission is to make sustainable, innovative and accessible mobility solutions accessible to all motorists, betting strongly on safe and enthusiastic mobility in accordance with its environmental commitment.