Solaria obtains the Administrative Construction Authorization for its 175 MW Olivas photovoltaic plant

The Olivas photovoltaic project consists of 5 plants totaling 175 MW in Guadalajara. This project will produce green energy for more than 98,000 homes.

Solaria has obtained the Administrative Construction Authorization for its second project in the province of Guadalajara of 175 MW, which is added to the 626 MW of the Cifuentes-Trillo project that it already has in the province.

The Oliva-solar projects 1 (50 MW), 2 (50 MW), 3 (25 MW), 4 (25 MW) and 5 (25 MW) will be built in the district of Usanos in the city of Guadalajara and will be connected in the Daganzo substation.

The Olivas photovoltaic project has an investment of close to 90 million euros.

This photovoltaic solar park will produce electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of the entire city of Guadalajara, in whose term the plants are located (Usanos district), that is, to supply 98,000 homes.

Thanks to this project, around 700 jobs will be created during the construction of the park, always prioritizing local employment, in addition to the creation of indirect employment, and it will have a useful life of 30 years.