Nordex, number 1 wind turbine manufacturer in Germany

“We were very excited at the end of the year as we were unsure if this could ultimately translate into our profits and lead to a lower rating compared to previous years due to the large number of new projects and the associated additional burden we have. . Therefore, he had in service. However, the opposite is true: we have been able to improve a lot, especially in terms of quality, and we have once again been the winner of the service survey! Our largest competitors, on the other hand, show a negative trend. But the most important thing is that we have improved our revenue and can therefore strengthen our position in the market,” explains Volker Bartolles, head of service in Germany at the Nordex Group.
Context: Every year the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) conducts a service survey among its members. The three topics – “Periodic maintenance work”, “Unscheduled inspection or repair” and “Extraordinary services” – are consulted and evaluated with a weight of 33 percent each by the turbine operators of the main Western manufacturer, based on 12 questions.
The results for 2023 have now been published. In the overall evaluation, the Nordex Group once again took first place with 2.35 points (2022: 2.60) (1 = excellent, 6 = unsatisfactory), once again ahead from all other manufacturers and, for the first time, from all independent service providers. . The average for all manufacturers is a soft “satisfactory” with 3.03 points.
It should be noted that the “quality of work performed” (1.89) and the “accessibility of Service equipment for unscheduled repairs” (1.81), but also the “quality of work performed during regular maintenance work” (2.08), were rated best by our customers. Only in the “Speed of reinstallation of other parts” did we decline marginally to 2.51 points (2022: 2.39); Otherwise, Nordex was able to improve across the board in the other eleven areas.