This new project will be the company’s fifth in the southeast of the province of Buenos Aires. The goal is to supply more industries with wind power.
of 300 MW in Bahía Blanca. The news was communicated during the tour of the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, for the works of the Pampa Energía IV Wind Farm in Coronel Rosales. The new project will have an investment of more than 500 million dollars.
During the visit, the governor gave an account of the 18 wind turbines that the company is installing in the wind farm of the Partido de Coronel Rosales. The wind turbines have an installed capacity of 81 MW, equivalent to the consumption of 100,000 homes, and required an investment of more than 128 million dollars.
The businessman Marcelo Mindlin affirmed that “in 2015, unanimously and with the support of all political forces, Law 27,191 was sanctioned, which establishes that by 2025, 20% of the energy matrix must come from renewable sources.”
“At Pampa we have already invested close to 600 million dollars to help meet this goal. Today we are announcing our sixth park, which will have a capacity of 300 MW, and will allow us to reach a total renewable energy generation capacity of 687 MW” , held.
“This new park that we will enable in a few more weeks, added to the one we announced today, will allow us to supply more industries with renewable energy. We are proud of the realization of these investments that allow the country to diversify and expand its energy matrix with a horizon of greater sustainability,” he added.
This new wind farm to be built in Bahía Blanca will be the company’s fifth in the southeast of the province of Buenos Aires. It is estimated that the first stage will be operational by the middle of next year, which will total 94.5MW.