Uriel Renovables inaugurates the second largest wind farm in Poland

The project has involved an investment of 170 million euros and has the participation of the manager Mirova, a subsidiary of the French group Natixis.

The facility offers a total power of almost 145 MW and an annual production of 360 Gwh, equivalent to the consumption of 100,000 homes.

A green energy that prevents the emission of 284,000 annual tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

It contributes to Polish energy self-sufficiency in a context in which the country suffers great tensions in energy prices due to gas supply cuts.

Uriel Renovables, a Spanish renewable energy development company with a global presence, inaugurated the second largest wind farm in Poland on Wednesday, November 16, in the town of Bialy Bor. The project has involved a total investment of 170 million euros and has the participation of Mirova, a global management company dedicated to sustainable investment and affiliated with Natixis Investment Managers. This facility has 42 Vestas V126 turbines of 3.45 MW each and extends over an area of ??60 square km. With this, it will generate 360 ??GWh annually, equivalent to the consumption of 100,000 Polish families.

Ignacio Huarte, president of Uriel Renovables, comments: “We are very proud to have developed a project of this size and characteristics in Poland together with the participation of the manager Mirova. In particular, because it helps to increase Poland’s self-sufficiency and energy security in a context of gas shortages at the European level and skyrocketing Kwh prices”.

The inauguration of the park was also attended by local authorities such as the district governor Krzysztof Lis and the mayor of Bialy Bor, Pawel Mikolajewski, in gratitude for the benefits it brings to the surrounding society: in addition to the creation of 20 permanent jobs, the project has made several compensatory investments in the area during the construction process, mainly focused on contributing to the well-being of the inhabitants of the project area. Among the projects carried out, it is worth mentioning the installation of playgrounds, photovoltaic installations, construction of buildings for meetings of the inhabitants, the purchase of a fire truck, the change of windows in the houses closest to the park, as well as the improvement of the local and regional access roads to the plant.

On the other hand, as it is green energy, it avoids the emission of 284,000 tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere per year. In this way, it contributes to Poland meeting the 55% emission reduction target for the year 2030, established by the European Union for its member states.

In this sense, Huarte explains: “Since we started up our first renewable energy installation in 1993, we have participated in the development of more than 600 MW, both in Spain and in countries around the world. Now we add these 144.9 in Poland with this 100% renewable project and produced with native resources of the country. For this reason, this commitment by Poland to wind energy also demonstrates the increasingly strong commitment of the EU countries to more affordable and sustainable energy that fights climate change”.

Raphaël Lance, director of energy transition infrastructure funds at Mirova, says: “Our role as a responsible investor encourages us to accelerate the deployment of financing solutions for resilient infrastructure, which are essential for the decarbonisation of our production methods and our uses of energy. Our partnership with Uriel has been a success thanks, above all, to his high level of professionalism, competence and dedication.”

Uriel Renovables has spent nearly 30 years developing and operating renewable energy plants in Europe, the United States and Latin America with different technologies such as solar, wind, mini-hydro, landfill biogas and more recently, also batteries. Uriel Renovables belongs to the business group of the Huarte Family.