N163/5.X and N155/4.X turbines receive IEC Type Certification / Statement of Compliance for Design according to IEC awarded to the N163/6.X
Hamburg, 29 September 2022. At the leading global wind summit Windenergy Hamburg, the Nordex Group punctually received three major certificates for turbines in the 4 MW, 5 MW and 6 MW class. TÜV SÜD has awarded the IEC Type Certificate, valid worldwide, in accordance with the IEC 61400-22 standard to the 5.X MW turbine N163/5.X. The Nordex Group also obtained from TÜV SÜD the official Statement of Compliance for design according to IEC and Type Approval certificate according to DIBt for the 6.X MW wind turbine N163/6.X.
In addition, UL Solutions also issued the IEC Type Certificate according to IEC 61400-22 standard for the N155/4.X turbine, first Type Certification for the 155 m rotor diameter platform.
The IEC 61400-22 Type Certification is of particular importance for the international marketing of wind turbines. Investors, project planners and wind farm operators expect their wind turbine generators to be certified in accordance with international standards. In this context, IEC certification is usually considered a prerequisite for tenders for international wind power projects. This is a recognised procedure and a crucial step in the project certification process.
With these Type Certificates, the independent certification bodies have now officially confirmed that the theoretical design calculations for the N155/4.X and N163/5.X reflect the expected behaviour of the turbines as measured on the field. The evaluation reviews among others the power performance, measurements of mechanical loads during operation as well as the lifetime of the turbine type under different operating modes. Likewise, the rotor blades for both turbines have been successfully certified for a lifetime of at least 20 years based on dynamical, full-scale rotor blade tests. The turbines can be operated with standard rotor blades as well as, in the case of the N163/5.X, with anti-icing rotor blades for cold regions.
In addition to the Type Certificate for the N163/5.X, the Nordex Group also received the “Statement of Compliance for the Design Evaluation“ for the N163/6.X turbine in the 6 MW class from TÜV SÜD. This statement of compliance for the design is the first important prerequisite for the future IEC Type Certificate for this turbine type.
The Nordex Group – a profile
The Group has installed more than 41 GW of wind energy capacity in over 40 markets and in 2021 generated revenues of EUR 5.4 billion. The company currently employs a workforce of approx. 9,000. The joint manufacturing capacity includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the United States, India and Mexico. The product portfolio is focused on onshore turbines in the 4 to 6.X MW class, which are tailor-made for the market requirements of countries with limited space and regions with limited grid capacity.