Heather Zichal, CEO of the American Clean Power Association (ACP), issued the following statement today after the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the Working Group III report, Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change:
“How many more times must we be reminded about the urgency of aggressively ramping up the deployment of clean energy? The third installment of the IPCC report reinforces what we have long known: we already have carbon free energy sources that are affordable, reliable, and enhance resilience. Wind, solar, and storage are mainstream energy technologies that can compete, and win, in the energy marketplace. The report reminds us that we have the tools we need – the major roadblock to success is long-term certainty and predictability in our policies.
As UN Secretary General António Guterres noted after the release of the report, now is the time to rapidly start investing in the abundant renewable energy all around us. Lawmakers, communities, and citizens across the country must come together immediately to implement robust policies that support the deployment of massive amounts of clean energy. This is the great undertaking of our era, and we need to act now.”