Nordex receives certifications for N149/4.0-4.5 wind turbine required for grid connection in Spain
Nordex has obtained the Equipment Certificate (UGE) required in Spain for connection to the grid for the N149/4.0-4.5 wind turbine as well as the Component Certificate (CAMGE) for its own Wind Farm Controller (CWE). Both certificates confirm the required standard-compliant grid connection behaviour according to the Norma Técnica de Supervisión 2.1 (NTS) by the FGH certification body (FGH Zertifizierungsstelle). These certificates have been required for the connection of wind turbines to the grid in Spain since mid-2020 and have to be provided within two years. The Nordex Group already has the certificates for the N149/4.0-4.5 and its own Wind Farm Controller.
The standard set by the Red Eléctrica de España (REE) for the operation and grid connection of power plants has been in force. The standard defines among other things the requirements for electricity-generating plants, “Unidad de Generación de Electricidad” (UGE) and for additional components, Componentes Adicionales del Módulo de Generación de Electricidad (CAMGE). These state the technical requirements that have to be met, such as the behaviour in the event of voltage dips in the grid (Fault Ride through), the recovery of active power after a grid fault and the power frequency control of the turbines and the entire wind farm at the grid connection point.
Measurement of the N149/4.0-4.5 was conducted in Germany in the Wennerstorf wind farm to the south of Hamburg. These data form the basis for certification of the N149/4.0-4.5 for the Spanish market, which was recently performed by FGH Zertifizierungsgesellschaft mbH in Aachen.
The Nordex Group is currently supplying ten N149 turbines for the “Celada Fusión” wind farm in the region of Valles del Cerrato, in the province of Palencia in the north of Spain. This is the first wind farm in Spain with N149 turbines. Another project is the 312 MW “Gecama” wind farm near Cuenca in the region of Castilla-La Mancha with 65 N149/4.0-4.5 turbines.
The Group has installed more than 35 GW of wind energy capacity in over 40 markets and in 2020 generated revenues of EUR 4.6 billion. The company currently employs a workforce of approx. 8,500. The joint manufacturing capacity includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the United States, India and Mexico. The product portfolio is focused on onshore turbines in the 4 to 6.X MW class, which are tailor-made for the market requirements of countries with limited space and regions with limited grid capacity.