On the occasion of the 2021 World Ocean Day, over 70 IRENA members and private sector representatives came together in a Collaborative Framework on Ocean Energy and Offshore Renewables to accelerate the deployment of ocean technologies worldwide. Energy from the sea and through offshore renewables is increasingly recognised as significant climate solution for the power sector and end use in a blue economy such as shipping, cooling and water desalination. However, the potential of offshore renewables is still untapped and can significantly contribute to the global energy transition.
Particularly offshore wind has gained traction in the last decade, with IRENA forecasting a growth from 34 gigawatts (GW) today to around 380 GW in 2030. Co-facilitated by the Kingdom of Tonga and Italy, this Collaborative Framework particularly collected input and recommendations from IRENA members to the G20 Action Agenda on Offshore Renewables.
“The important role for offshore renewables is reflected in the agenda of the current G20 Presidency”, said IRENA’s Director-General Francesco La Camera at the opening. “IRENA is pleased to support the G20 Presidency in this effort, and we are engaging the Collaborative Framework to provide input to the G20 Offshore Renewables Action Agenda. Our recently released preview of the World Energy Transitions Outlook makes clear that we must urgently step-up action on all fronts of the energy transition to achieve our climate and sustainable development goals.”
G20 is in a leading position regarding the development of renewable energy. Collectively, they account for 81% of installed renewables and 75% of deployment potential till 2030. They also provide 99% of offshore wind and 100% of installed ocean energy. Taking the lead in the global fight against climate change, G20 countries have the responsibility to enable the deployment of these technologies in non-G20 countries by sharing their experience and lessons learnt on platforms such as the IRENA’s Collaborative Framework.
Participants of today’s meeting widely acknowledges the importance to share good practices to foster regional collaboration in emerging markets. They encourage G20 to include offshore renewables in national energy and climate policies under the Paris Agreement and increase public investments in RD&D and joint research projects for all offshore renewable technologies. Furthermore, IRENA Members recommend the promotion of public-private partnerships for innovative offshore renewables like offshore wind-to-hydrogen generation units. Finally, countries encourage the G20 to promote joint efforts on Maritime Spatial Planning an instrument to coordinate efforts from different ocean economic sectors.
IRENA’s contribution and report to the G20 Action Agenda on Offshore Renewables will be released at the G20 Environment, Climate and Energy Ministerial meeting on 23 July in Naples.