Merybal Construcciones y Contratas and Green Capital Power aim to build wind farm facilities with a total wind power of 191 megawatts.
Merybal Construcciones y Contratas and Green Capital Power have submitted applications for the installation of nine wind farms with a total power of more than 191 megawatts (MW) in eight Asturian municipalities. These are the councils of Allande, Boal, Castropol, Coaña, Illano, San Tirso de Abres, Vegadeo and Taramundi, as reported by the Asturian Government.
The applications, which have already been published in the Official Gazette of the Principality (BOPA), correspond to parks that would be located in the area of ??high reception capacity defined in the sectorial guidelines of land use planning for the use of wind energy, collected in Decree 42/2008, of May 15. Merybal Construcciones y Contratas has submitted an authorization file and Green Capital Power, projects to install another eight parks.
The ads are framed in a competitive selection procedure for the authorization of wind farms. This means that, once the applications are published, a period of one month is open for any other promoter to submit alternative proposals, location by location, provided that they meet the minimum requirements established in Article 9 of the regional regulations. The objective criteria for resolving competitive processes are defined in the resolution of January 31, 2019 of the Ministry of Employment, Industry and Tourism, reports Europa Press.
Once the selection procedures have been resolved, the ordinary processing of the parks will begin, which will have to overcome different milestones, including the administrative technical verification phase, a period of public information, environmental impact assessments and municipal urban development reports.