The new wind energy facilities will be eligible for the new aid announced this year to expand the wind power of the islands by 180 megawatts.
The Governing Council of the Canary Islands, at the proposal of the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Commerce and Knowledge, has approved the decrees by which it is agreed to execute two new wind farms, located in Tenerife and Lanzarote, whose start-up would allow to expand in 28.4 megawatts (MW) the wind power installed on the islands.
In both texts, it is also ordered to initiate within six months the procedure of modification or revision of the territorial planning affected.
Specifically, one of the approved decrees refers to the Hoya de Lucas Wind Farm, promoted by Disa Eólica S.L.U. in the municipality of Arico and that has a total power of 19.2 MW.
In parallel, it is also authorized the execution of the Arrecife Wind Farm, promoted by the Insular Council of Waters of Lanzarote, S.A. in the municipalities of Arrecife and Teguise and that has a total power of 9.2 MW.
Both facilities will be eligible for the call for grants opened earlier this year to expand the wind power available in the archipelago and has a total budget of 80 million euros with which you want to install at least 180 MW more wind power .
To date, 18 wind farms are operating in Tenerife, with the capacity to generate 186, 67 MW of power, while on the island of Lanzarote the installed wind power is 23.43 MW, with the installation of five wind farms. In total, the installed wind power in the Canary Islands totals 417.6 MW.