The country first wind powered electricity is expected to be set in Makambako in Njombe Region and the project development, spearhead by Windlab Development Tanzania, is progressing well.
The project, Miombo Hewani Wind Farm, is a planned 300 megawatts in wind energy plant in three phases of 100MW each. The project phase one set to serve over one million residents of Makambako Township.
Windlab Developments Tanzania, Managing Director, Katherine Persson, said that the project lifespan once completed is 25 to 30 years.
“We work to ensure that local communities from the villages of Igomba, Isimike and Itengelo benefit from this project,” Ms Persson said in an interview over the weekend.
According to Ms Persson, Miombo Hewani has been approved to set up wind turbine in the area and the first phase investment is projected at 250 million US dollars and will take 12 to 18 months to implement.
“To generate the first 100MW one needs up to 34 wind turbines as well as electrical infrastructure connecting the wind farm to the national electricity grid at the Makambako Substations,” Persson said.
Mid last year, Windlab was issued an environmental and social impact assessment certificate for the project near Makambako located at the junction of Njombe, Iringa and Mbeya regions.
Once all phases are complete, the facility will have a capacity of generating enough power to light some three million households, based on current per capita usage.
The power produced at Miombo Hewani will be sold to TANESCO at affordable rate, according to Windlab. “The Miombo Hewani project will have a large stake from 10 million US dollars,” said Ms Persson.