Russia’s first commercial-scale wind farm has been commissioned

The 35MW wind farm is situated near the city of Ulyanovsk, home to about 620,000 people. Its EUR 65 million Ulyanovsk project is located near a city of the same name about 680km southeast of Moscow.

Chinese turbine manufacturer Dongfang supplied the turbines for the project.

Ulyanovsk is included in the renewable projects competitive selection administered by the government’s ministry of energy, and so is entitled to capacity supply agreement (CSA) payments.

Under the CSA, Fortum receives payments of between EUR 180 and EUR 200/MWh for a guaranteed period of 15 years.

Fortum, alongside Russian technology giant Rusnano, won 1GW of capacity spread across 26 projects at a tender in June. The joint venture will commission the sites by 2022, securing between EUR 115 and EUR 135/MWh in capacity payments.