Renewable Energy Generation Ltd has entered into agreements with global wind turbine manufacturer Gamesa Eolica, S.L. to supply 19 wind turbines for five of REG’s consented UK onshore wind farm sites.
These have a combined capacity of 38MW and once commissioned, will more than double REG’s total wind power capacity to 72.7MW.
The new projects, which are due to be delivered over the coming 18 months, are in line with the Company’s strategy to operate a diversified portfolio of 300MW of UK renewable energy projects, which includes wind, solar and biopower, within three years.
Under the terms of the Agreements, Gamesa will manufacture, erect and commission the turbines, and also provide long term service and maintenance of the machines.
The sites benefiting from the agreements are French Farm (4MW), Rodbaston (4MW), Brackagh Quarry (6MW), Mynydd Portref (12MW) and Hallburn Farm (12MW) in the UK.
The total combined annual output of all five projects, once operational, will be 92,000MWh which will increase the company’s total annual wind power output to 183,000MWh. The capital cost of all five projects is expected to be in the region of £48 million.