The growing number of plug in electric vehicles (PEVs) on roads will likely have profound impacts on the grid if the adoption of PEVs is not aligned with the spread of vehicle-grid integration (VGI) technologies.
These VGI technologies enable grid operators to communicate with the PEV or its associated electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), to control the flow of power between the grid and the vehicle depending on grid conditions. The adoption of these technologies presents significant market opportunities for both grid operators and the automotive industry – but it is contingent upon cooperation between two industries that were, until recently, quite disparate.
Featuring Navigant research analyst Scott Shepard, along with Scott Fisher, director for alternative energy at NRG Energy, and Greenlots CEO Brett Hauser, this webinar will examine the market forces and challenges that are driving the vehicle-grid integration sector. The webinar will focus on the range of V2G business opportunities, stakeholder incentives for technology development and adoption, and regulatory requirements to enable VGI.
Key Topics:
- Automaker OEM adoption of V2G technologies
- Grid regulatory policies regarding distributed energy resources, net metering, etc.
- Pay for performance market structures
- Communication and technology standardizations
- Grid Service markets: DR and Ancillary Services
- Automaker-Grid operator collaboration
What does this webinar answer?
- What are the differences between and V2G and other vehicle-grid integration systems?
- What are the market challenges for and drivers for VGI?
- What are the market opportunities for vehicle-grid integration?
- How does demand response fit into the VGI space?
- What regulatory changes need to occur to enable V2G business opportunities?
- How are grid operators and EV manufacturers working together on VGI?
Who needs to attend?
- Utilities
- Regulatory Authorities/Agencies
- Grid Interconnections (ISOs/RTOs)
- Automakers
- Auto Converters
- Energy Aggregators and Service Companies
- Fleet Managers
- Tech companies providing EVSE for employees
- Information Control Technology companies
- Inverter suppliers