Mexico has a very high wind energy potential. One key aspect is to empower society about the importance and benefits of wind energy to Mexico and local communities.
Grupo Eolico Mexico (Mexico Wind Group) outreach programs have completed a series of workshops to schools and community centers about Sustainable Development, Carbon footprint, and Wind Energy.
Their workshops have taken place in different areas of Mexico. Participants learn interactively basics of sustainable development, carbon footprint, and clean energies with emphasis on wind power. Perceptions and knowledge are tested before and after each session. According to Ernesto Alvarez, outreach program manager, the workshops are to increase awareness of clean energies and their advantages. This program will continue in a second phase throughout 2014.
Mexican Government Energy Goal for 2024 is that 35% of electrical power in Mexico comes from Renewable sources. Grupo Eolico Mexico declared that wind potential can satisfy future renewable domestic energy needs and even provide surpluses for export. Mexican installed wind capacity is currently about 2 Giga Watts. Forecasts predict that Mexico’s installed wind capacity will grow to around 12 Giga Watts in the next six years. Mexican President, Enrique Pena Nieto, and Energy Minister (SENER), Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, are strategically encouraging renewable energies for Mexico. On the week of January 21st 2014, Joaquin Coldwell will be attending the World Future Energy Summit, a meeting of renewable energies.
Grupo Eolico Mexico is committed to foster and increase Mexican installed Wind Capacity for a brighter and cleaner future.