The wind farm of 33 wind turbines will have a Chinese credit of $ 200 million. Anemometers measure the wind resource in several wind towers.
While advancing the design, the implementation of wind power project in the department entered the home stretch waiting for results of studies measuring the direction and speed of wind in different parts of the region.
The wind power project for the implementation of wind energy in Tarija is the installation of 33 wind turbines of 1.5 megawatts each, which together generate 49.5 megawatts for the department. The transmission line will run from the La Angostura (Avilés Province) to Torrecillas (Closed province).
The financing of the People’s Republic of China could be strengthened through a 20-year loan term. The wind power project is part of the National Interconnected System (SIN). Being a foreign resources work, you must meet certain requirements at the national level with the Ministry of Planning and the Plurinational Legislative Assemblies and Departmental.
Executive Secretary of the Interior, Roberto Ruiz, said that besides the installation of wind turbines in the same project is planned to build a substation for electrical services in Tarija (Setar) that can manage the energy distribution in the different rings city.
He explained that the wind project entered a phase where they will analyze the proposal of Chinese concessional lending preliminary contract that would cover the execution of the work by almost 85% of the total, and a counterpart of the municipality of 15%.
“I just need to resolve some technical issues with the Ministry of Planning. We received the full backing of President (Evo Morales) and Vice President (Alvaro Garcia Linera) and we expect this to move forward, “he said.
“(The proposal) based on the following reasoning. When we left the gas on the domestic market for electricity, paid U.S. $ 1.05 per million BTUs (British thermal unit), that same million BTUs we sell to Argentina over U.S. $ 10, then it is clear it is better to sell high gas out and replaced with alternative renewable generation such as wind, hydro, geothermal, “explained that this difference could be set percentage of income the fund to promote renewable energy production.