Politico Pro quoted Salazar as adding, "I think we need to move forward with financial certainty for the industry so they’re not having to go through the stop and start of the past," referring to past years when the PTC has been allowed to expire.
During the hearing, Salazar referred to wind power as "part of the race we cannot cede to the rest of the world," adding, "It is an opportunity we ought not let pass from us.”
A House bill seeking to extend the PTC has 72 cosponsors, including 18 Republicans, and has received the endorsement of a broad coalition of more than 370 members, including the National Association of Manufacturers, the American Farm Bureau Federation, the Edison Electric Institute, and the Western Governors’ Association. A PTC extension also has the support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the bipartisan Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition, which includes 23 Republican and Democratic Governors from across the U.S.
Tom Gray, www.awea.org/blog/