Jim Cardwell, Northern Powergrid’s head of regulation and strategy says, “The CLNR will evaluate a number of innovative network technologies to accommodate increasing quantities of low-carbon loads and renewable generation necessary to meet the U.K.’s climate change goals. One aspect of this multifaceted project is to determine how the use of storage technology may reduce peak loading on our network and thereby offset the need for network reinforcement. A123’s battery energy storage systems will showcase how such technology can be part of the U.K.’s low-carbon future.”
A123’s GBS storage systems are designed to provide Northern Powergrid with solutions that more efficiently manage voltage regulation requirements as more clean energy resources are added. The six GBSs that A123 will supply to Northern Powergrid include a 2.5MW system, two 100kW systems and three 50kW systems. Each will be capable of maintaining power capabilities for up to two hours, adding flexibility to the distribution network and power reliability.
Robert Johnson, vice president of the Energy Solutions Group at A123 explains that grid operators around the world “are faced with a variety of technical hurdles when trying to add significant renewable capacity. In the U.K., distribution networks often have limitations that make adding high concentrations of wind and solar difficult. Battery energy storage can overcome these challenges by efficiently managing the voltage levels of the power network, and we look forward to working with Northern Powergrid on the CLNR smart grid project, which we view as an excellent opportunity for A123 to showcase the versatility and performance of our GBS solutions.”
A123 Systems develops advanced lithium-ion batteries and energy storage systems for transportation, electric grid and commercial applications.