Acciona to connect 306 MW of Mexican wind power

The new wind farm plants, located in the State of Oaxaca, in the region of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, will enter service in the next few weeks and represent an investment of over 450 million Euros. They contain a total of 204 wind turbines and will produce electricity equivalent to the consumption of almost 600,000 Mexican homes.

The three wind farms (Oaxaca II, Oaxaca III and Oaxaca IV), each with a capacity of 102 MW, were awarded to ACCIONA in March 2010 in a public tender called by the Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). The wind turbines will be powered up and gradually connected to the grid, a process that will take place from October to December this year.

The company already has a 250.5 MW wind farm in Mexico – Eurus, operational since 2009- that supplies electricity to plants of the cement company CEMEX. It is the biggest wind farm in Latin America in terms of installed capacity, and it is located in the same area. These projects represents 33% of the company’s international wind power capacity.

The contribution of the Company to the socioeconomic development of the country impacts the industrial sector (manufacture of components, transport, logistics, etc.) and activities to develop the community socially such as reforestation, the promotion of the production of handcrafts, general education and vocational training programs, the improvement of local infrastructures and the promotion of self-employment programs.

Acciona completes three wind energy plants in Mexico totaling 306 MW. Acciona consolidates its position as the biggest owner of wind power assets in Mexico, with a total capacity of 556.5 MW, 204 wind turbines and a wind farm market share of 65 per cent. The new wind farm plants, located in the State of Oaxaca, will enter service in the next few weeks and represent an investment of over 450 million euros. They contain 204 ACCIONA Windpower technology 1.5 MW wind turbines and will produce electricity equivalent to the consumption of almost 600,000 Mexican homes.

The three wind farms (Oaxaca II, Oaxaca III and Oaxaca IV), each with a capacity of 102 MW, were awarded to Acciona in March 2010 in a public tender called by the Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). The assembly of the last turbine will be completed this week, and all the turbines will be powered up and gradually connected to the grid, a process that will take place from October to December this year.

Located in the region of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, an area with excellent wind resources, the three wind energy parks have a total of 204 ACCIONA Windpower wind turbines of 1.5 MW.

Acciona already has a 250.5 MW wind farm in Mexico – Eurus, operational since 2009- that supplies electricity to plants of the cement company Cemex in the country. It is the biggest wind farm in Latin America in terms of installed capacity, and is located in the same area as the three being built now.

By José Santamarta,