Gamesa will supply and install 30 Gamesa G90-2.0 MW wind turbines in the wind farm, under construction, located in the area of Kuczbork-Osada, ¯uromin and Lubowidz communes, in ¯uromin District, Mazowsze Province.
According to the agreement, the sale of the wind farm will be completed after commissioning, which is scheduled for second quarter, 2012.
This agreement strengthens the Gamesa’s wind farm development and sales division in Eastern Europe and, specifically in Poland, where the company has sold several projects in recent months-some to PGE EO-. Gamesa’s portfolio in Poland totals 768 MW of wind farm projects at varying stages of development, 108 MW of which are under construction.
As for other Eastern European countries, including Romania and Bulgaria, the company’s project portfolio exceeds 1,100 MW.
PGE is increasing its presence in the field of renewable energy sources. The operation is in line with the Polish government energy policy regarding renewable energies and energy security.
More than 15 years’ experience and 22,000 MW installed in some 30 countries, strengthen Gamesa as a global technology leader in the wind turbine business. Its comprehensive response includes the design, construction and installation of wind turbines, as well as the operation & maintenance services’ management on close to 14,000 MW.
Gamesa has some thirty factories in Europe, the US, China, India and Brazil and a global headcount of 8,000.
The company is also a global benchmark in the development, construction and sale of wind farms. Gamesa has already installed over 4,100 MW and currently boasts a pipeline of 24,500 MW at varying stages of development in Europe, the Americas and Asia.