Preliminary results during the reconnaissance drilling itself were highly encouraging. Current and ongoing laboratory sample analyses, meanwhile, have encouraged the implementation of additional detailed analysis in the form of ICP – AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectrometry), which will test for a range of metals, and the physical parameters of the water for pH, TDS, conductivity, and total alkalinity. The additional analysis will be based on previously acquired samples as well as additional secondary samples to be collected as soon as possible.
Simultaneously, the Company is waiting to receive its final QA/QC results from TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. before finalizing and reporting details on AmeriLithium’s additional testing program.
"We’re as eager as our shareholders to have all the laboratory results in," said Matthew Worrall, AmeriLithium’s CEO. "Once those results have been received and evaluated, then we’ll have the information we need to not only assess Paymaster’s potential with greater clarity, but also to plan our next step in exploration and development with the help of our VP of Exploration & Chief Geologist Robert Allender, the rest of the AmeriLithium team, and all the advisors we’ve had the benefit of working with so far."
Lithium is a lightweight metal used in a wide range of consumer products the world over: the medical industry uses Lithium as an anti-depressant; industrial uses include glass, ceramic and porcelain enamel manufacture; the aviation industry uses Lithium in alloys. Of particular interest is the use of Lithium for battery production, which has expanded significantly in recent years due to rechargeable Lithium batteries being used increasingly in electrical tools and in the rapidly expanding portable electronics market. Furthermore, the next generation of hybrid and electric vehicles are being designed to use high-capacity Lithium-ion batteries as environmentally-friendly fuel alternatives while the Obama administration has introduced $5 billion in funding and incentives for the development of a secure, domestic battery industry with special focus on Lithium-ion batteries.
AmeriLithium is a publicly traded (NASD OTC BB: AMEL), mining company committed to progressively developing into one of the leading American players in the global Lithium industry. The Company is headquartered in Henderson, NV. AmeriLithium has amassed a Lithium portfolio consisting of ~724,000 acres, including three Nevada-based projects nearby the only Lithium producing plant in the US, a large project in Alberta, Canada, and a project in Western Australia.