Using Gamesa’s new services web portal, clients can access customised, quick and easy-to-use information and management tools spanning key aspects of the maintenance and operation of their wind farms throughout the world:
* Reports on customer wind farms maintained and operated by Gamesa: technical, RCA, maintenance, availability, contract reports, etc;
* A single gateway for accessing all wind farm management tools: GIC (work performed on each wind turbine), SCPE (real-time status monitoring for each wind turbine), WebMEGA (weather forecasting), technical documentation, etc.;
The WebMEGA system provides a tool for comprehensive wind farm management (hourly wind conditions and performance forecasts for wind farms up to seven days in advance) to mitigate the risks incurred by weather changes (financial and labour). The system also helps owners to optimise scheduling of operation and maintenance activities.
* Training: certified courses and seminars on technical wind industry issues and accident prevention;
* A catalogue of Gamesa’s full range of products and services.
"This initiative will enable us to continue adding value to our customer relationships in services such as operation and maintenance, which are increasingly sophisticated and critical to the availability and performance of wind turbines", said Gamesa Director of Services Pedro López.
The new services website will gradually add other features, including an option for customers to track their orders and an online 3D parts catalogue. The site will also welcome feedback from customers through surveys included in the service.
The website will be available in Spanish and English, with a Chinese version scheduled to launch by the end of 2011.
Services, an area of strategic growth
Operation and maintenance (O&M) services is one of the business lines upon which Gamesa plans to base future growth and generation of recurring income. The company expects to double the number of megawatts under operation and maintenance contracts to 24,000 MW by 2013.
Meanwhile, Gamesa will work to lower costs and improve turbine availability and performance (company targets call for a 20-percent energy cost reduction for customers in 2013 and a 30-percent reduction within five years) through innovative approaches to operation and maintenance services and a programme to extend the wind turbine lifespan.
Revenue at Gamesa’s operation and maintenance business rose by 58% in the first nine months of 2010, to 227 million euros.
The division’s 2,000-strong workforce is engaged in operation and maintenance projects on 12,000 MW of wind turbibes assets for more than 130 customers both in Spain and abroad.