This growth is imminent. As we approach 2012, operating wind farm projects with a cumulative value of around $40 billion dollars will come out of their warranty periods. They will then require both a rigorous end-of-warranty inspection and then an on-going O&M aftercare strategy going forward.
Put simply there are 3 aftercare options available: re-entering warranty, take O&M in house (self-operate), or contract the work out to an Independent Service Provider (ISP). Critical emphasis is now on:
* Choosing the right O&M aftercare strategy given the amount of choice available
* End of warranty inspections: How to exit warranty having covered ALL angles
* Those pioneering in terms of turbine maintenance, and how they are doing it
* Technology providers providing systems that are justified in cost and cost effectively implementable
Wind energy experts gather in Dallas to thrash out on-going O&M solutions
International wind farm operators and OEMs will be meeting at the Wind Energy Update’s Operations and Maintenance Summit USA 2011 in Dallas (March 29-30) to discuss how to develop proven, cost effective post warranty O&M strategies to optimize performance and dramatically reduce costs. This industry led event will cover key areas including:
Mike Barrios – General Manager – Nextera
Judah Moseson – Manager, Operations Support Services – E.ON Climate and Renewables
Mike Outten – Manager, Procurement – Horizon Wind Energy
Tom Paff – Power Operations Manager – Duke Energy Generation Services
Matt Sakurada – Vice President – Operations and Asset Management – BP Wind Energy
Jeff Gibbons – Technical Director – AES Wind Generation
Gary Griffin – Director Commercial Management – Edison Mission Energy
Wind experience
This O&M-focused conference will bring together the key operators, utilities, OEMs, service providers, component suppliers, government representatives, and other key industry experts to deliver not only their successes in O&M, but also their stumbling blocks, to equip others with the knowledge required to take their businesses to the next level.
Jon Harman, Director at Wind Energy Update says: "This conference will prepare wind energy professionals – and those looking to move into the industry – with previously unheard facts, figures, strategies and data than you can be implemented immediately for not just the coming months, but also coming years."