Lake Erie Wind Energy Project

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason, chair of the Great Lakes Energy Development Task Force, announced that a Request for Qualification (RFQ) has been issued by the Cuyahoga County for Lakebed Soil Sampling and Mapping Studies for the Lake Erie Wind Power Project.

The Task Force, under the authority of the Cuyahoga County, Ohio Board of County Commissioners, in association with the Cuyahoga County Department of Development, has been authorized to solicit qualifications from agencies and organizations interested in providing Lakebed Soil Sampling and Mapping Studies.

The studies supplement the Great Lakes Energy Development Task Force Feasibility Study for an early stage commercial deployment project consisting of up to eight (8) wind turbines with total rated capacity at 20 MW for a Lake Erie Wind Farm near the water intake crib of the City of Cleveland, Ohio.

The envisioned wind turbine project is described in more detail in the Task Force’s May 1, 2009, Great Lakes Wind Energy Center Feasibility Study.

The Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Lakebed Soil Sampling and Mapping Studies for the Lake Erie Wind Project can be can be obtained by contacting Gregory Zucca, Strategic Program Officer, Cuyahoga County Department of Development, 1701 East 12th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114,
(216) 443-8067. Completed statements of qualification must be submitted to the Cuyahoga County Department of Development, no later than 12:00 p.m. on July 16, 2010.

Responses will be reviewed for qualifications based on the firms understanding of the project requirements, project methodology, management plan, and experience and qualifications. A review committee comprised of members of the Task Force will examine the statements of qualifications and may invite qualified Project Management teams for interviews. The studies will commence September 1, 2010.

The County issued RFQ envisions two lakebed studies: 1) one shall consist of performing geophysical/archaeological and aquatic habitat substrate mapping surveys of the proposed pilot project Lake Erie wind farm and submarine cable route in accordance with the requests of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, and the performance of soil test boring(s) (“Lakebed Mapping Study”); and 2) the other requires soil boring(s), soil sampling and analysis (“Lakebed Sampling Study”). The same or different consultants may be contracted to perform one or both of the envisioned studies.

For further information, please contact: Steve Dever, Executive Director, Great Lakes Energy Development Task Force, Office of the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, 1200 Ontario Street, 9th Floor Justice Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44113, (216) 443-7817.

The public notice may also be viewed at the following Cuyahoga County Web Site: under Development News Menu. Select “RFQ for Expert Lakebed Studies for Lake Erie Wind Power Project” from the Development News Menu to view the legal notice.