Japanese solar photovoltaic sales reach 484 MW in 2009

According to the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association, sales reached 483.96 MW in 2009, up from approximately 230 MW in 2008.

Japanese PV solar cell and module manufacturers also increased exports to the U.S., which were up 21% compared to the previous year, reaching 203.17 MW in 2009.

Although the largest export market for Japanese producers, solar cell and module sales in Europe actually fell by 4.3%, to 624.25 MW, total shipments reached 1.143 GW.

Monocrystalline shipments of 576.5 MW topped the cell type technology categories. Multicrystalline cell shipments reached 419.4 MW, while a-Si thin-film shipments reached 120.3 MW in 2009.

EPIA had forecasted installations in Japan would reach 400 MW in 2009, while Photon Consulting has projected installations to reach 700 MW. Sales figures reported by the JPEA are for shipments, not installations, but reflect potential installation figures.
