Tag Archives: Enerfín

Statkraft buys Enerfín and becomes the third wind power generator in Brazil

The acquisition of the Spanish company includes 9 wind farms, with 632 MW of capacity in the country.Statkraft announced the purchase of Enerfín, a renewable subsidiary of the Spanish company Elecnor. The transaction will expand the company’s wind farm portfolio to 2 GW in Brazil, one of the three largest in the country, according to … Continue reading Statkraft buys Enerfín and becomes the third wind power generator in Brazil

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Enerfín has 700 MW in wind energy projects in Brazil

Pioneer in wind power generation in Brazil, with the implementation of the first wind farms in Osório, in Rio Grande do Sul, since 2006, Enerfín, from the Spanish group Elecnor, is confident in the expansion of wind power and currently has more than 700 MW in wind projects at different stages of development.On Friday, the … Continue reading Enerfín has 700 MW in wind energy projects in Brazil

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