Tag Archives: agrivoltaica

Green electricity above, crops below: RWE plants seedlings at its agrivoltaics demonstration plant

Things are turning doubly green at RWE’s agrivoltaics plant (Agri-PV) in the Rhenish mining area. Since the beginning of the year, around 6,100 solar modules have been generating green electricity, and now farmers have sown the first seeds and planted crops on the site. On the approximately seven-hectare recultivation area on the edge of the Garzweiler … Continue reading Green electricity above, crops below: RWE plants seedlings at its agrivoltaics demonstration plant

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RWE commissions innovative agrivoltaics demonstration plant

Three technical solutions integrate power generation and agriculture; Plant makes use of recultivated land at Garzweiler opencast mine. Research activities to start in spring; crops such as alfalfa, broad beans and raspberries to be planted. Forschungszentrum Jülich and Fraunhofer ISE contribute scientific expertise; state of NRW provides funding. With crops below and solar power above, … Continue reading RWE commissions innovative agrivoltaics demonstration plant

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Vattenfall invests in 76-megawatt agrivoltaic project

Agrivoltaics is the combination of sustainable agriculture and solar power generation on the same agricultural land. Vattenfall has now made a final investment decision for a 76-megawatt solar park Tützpatz in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The project is being set up without state support. Photovoltaics is now one of the cheapest technologies among renewable energies, and solar … Continue reading Vattenfall invests in 76-megawatt agrivoltaic project

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RWE plans innovative demonstration plant for agrivoltaics

Can power be generated and land be farmed on the same site? RWE and Forschungszentrum Jülich want to demonstrate how that can work in the Rhenish lignite mining district. The plan is to generate solar power in tandem with agricultural and horticultural activities on about seven hectares of recultivated land at the edge of Garzweiler … Continue reading RWE plans innovative demonstration plant for agrivoltaics

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There’s room for agrivoltaics

Recent studies highlight the benefits of integrating agriculture and photovoltaic systems. Their conclusion? There is no risk of excessive land consumption. Agrivoltaics is an innovative approach that allows solar energy eneration and farming practices to coexist and interact in a mutually beneficial way that also creates greater value for the area and local communities. In practical terms, it’s … Continue reading There’s room for agrivoltaics

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