Apple builds a photovoltaic plant in Segovia

Apple is building a photovoltaic plant in Segovia with 105 megawatts of electricity that will be operational at the end of 2024 and is part of its plans for the company to be carbon neutral by 2030 throughout its value chain.
In a statement, the company explained that this project aims to offset the amount of electrical energy that its customers use to charge and use their electronic devices, by producing the energy equivalent to 57,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.

Apple has partnered with the international solar development platform Ib Vogt, which is in charge of implementing this photovoltaic plant in Segovia, called Castaño Solar.

The partner has announced other environmental initiatives that include reforestation projects for local flora and fauna within the perimeter of the solar plant, the installation of nest boxes for native birds and the provision of a protected habitat with an area of at least 10 hectares.
The works will also stop during the breeding season to ensure that the construction does not affect the animals that inhabit the area, as explained by the company.

The project will use state-of-the-art bifacial solar panels in a single-axis tracking system to maximize energy production.

“Spain has become an important market for photovoltaic solar energy, with great opportunities for companies to benefit from low-cost, low-carbon solar energy,” said Ib Vogt director Anton Milner.