Energy generation from wind power reached 21.03 gigawatts (GW) of installed capacity in Brazil, compared to 17.7 GW in 2020, with 777 wind farms distributed in 12 states. The data is from the Brazilian Wind Energy Association (Abeeólica).
According to the association, the energy generated is enough to supply 28.8 million homes and serve around 86.4 million people.
The expansion of more than 3 thousand megawatts in 2021 is the largest increase in the source since 2014, when the growth was 2,786 MW, according to Aneel.
The source also represents just over 40% of power generation projects under construction. Only in November did Aneel release projects with a total power of 561.13 MW for commercial operation.
And the expectation is to continue growing. According to Abeeólica, by 2026 the country can reach at least 33 GW of installed capacity, considering the contracts already signed.
Brazil is seventh in capacity
With US$35.8 billion invested in the sector between 2011 and 2020, Brazil rose from 15th place in the world ranking of installed wind energy capacity in 2012, and today occupies seventh position.
Since 2018, wind energy is the second source of electricity generation in Brazil. According to January data from Abeeólica, the source represents 11.5% of the matrix.
On record days, it reaches around 20% of the country throughout the day. Last year, during the water crisis, the fountain broke the record of supplying the entire Northeast, for an entire day, more than once.
It reached 11,680.00 MWmed at its peak, on August 6, in the Northeast region. It is worth mentioning that 80% of Brazilian wind farms are located in the region.
In the National Interconnected System (SIN), wind energy represented 18.4% of consumption, with a capacity factor of 68.61% and a generation of 12,486.08 MWmed.
On average during the year, wind farms produced an average of 8,242 MW, a volume 27.1% higher than in 2020. Solar photovoltaic plants generated an average of 878 MW, an amount 29.3% higher.