Union of manufacturers will standardize 700 W photovoltaic modules

The main Chinese manufacturers reached an agreement to standardize the dimensions of photovoltaic modules up to 2,382 mm long and 1,134 mm wide. This move aimed to optimize logistics, reduce costs and the design of the facility modules.

Trina Solar took the first step towards the race for 700 W modules, using TOPCon technology and 210 mm wafers, after testing them in a multi-megawatt photovoltaic power plant.

Trina Solar now leads the Photovoltaic Open Innovation Green Alliance, which includes major manufacturers such as Astronergy, Canadian Solar, Risen Energy, TCL Zhonghuan and Tongwei. The alliance aims to standardize modules with dimensions of 2,384 mm long and 1,303 mm wide. In addition, the holes in the vertical rear frame are also standardized with distances between them of 400 mm and 1,400 mm, with others of 790 mm being added.