In the first few weeks of the year, Nordex SE has been registering further growth in demand for the Generation Delta N131/3000 light-wind turbine. Customers from Finland and Germany have placed firm orders for a total of 26 units comprising in total 78 MW capacity of the latest Nordex product.
Thus, Finnish asset management company Taaleritehdas has now again awarded a contract for the delivery of nine N131/3000 turbines for the “Kooninkallio-Kankaanpää” wind farm. This follows on from the order which this customer had placed in February for these turbines for the “Myllykangas II” wind farm.
“Kooninkallio-Kankanpää” is located in a flat woodland region in the south-west of Finland. The local wind conditions match those of a classic IEC3 site, meaning that N131/3000 turbines to be installed at the site are an ideal choice to generate high yields. The wind farm is to achieve a capacity factor of around 40 per cent.
In Germany, Nordex is supplying the Bürgerwind Brechte GmbH & Co. KG and Bürgerwind Strönfeld GmbH & Co. KG citizens wind farms with a total of nine N131/3000 turbines. In addition, it has been able to register a firm order in the first few weeks of the year under a contract signed in 2014 for the installation of eight N131/3000 turbines for the Sellen GmbH & Co.KG windfarm in Steinfurt Shire in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Type approvals in accordance with DIBT 2012 have been issued for the N131/3000 for hub heights of 99, 114 and 134 metres for the German market. With the successful completion of the first permitting processes, all the necessary documents for project development with the N131/3000 are now available in full.
Similarly, international IEC certification in the form of the Design Evaluation Conformity Statements DECS has been received for hub heights of 99, 114 and 144 metres.
Nordex has already installed the first N131/3000 at the “Janneby” citizens wind farm in Schleswig-Holstein. The necessary testing and measuring work for IEC type certification is currently ongoing.