In summer 2013, the first Nordex N117/3000 and N100/3300 Generation Delta wind turbines were connected to the grid at the Janneby wind farm in Northern Germany.
Since going on sale, more than 500 MW of Nordex Generation Delta wind turbines have been ordered by Nordex clients. Now the independent certifying agency TÜV Nord has verified the main characteristics of the turbines in Janneby following an extensive measurement and validation programme by DNV GL as well as Nordex and awarded the two turbine types the globally valid IEC type certificate.
Thus, the N117/3000 with hub heights of 91, 120 and 141 metres is type certified for medium wind speeds (IEC2). At the same time, type certificates for hub heights of 75, 85 and 100 metres have been received for the N100/3300 (IEC1) strong-wind turbine.
Independent outside certification underscores the quality of Nordex’ turbine engineering and production. The first step towards type certification was the design certificate, which was completed in summer 2013 and in which the TÜV Nord experts confirmed the validity of the design calculations as presented by Nordex. The successful certifications on basis of the type testing entail the verification of the turbine’s behaviour in the field, which was documented by means of numerous measurements taken by DNV GL at the Janneby wind farm. Notably, also the power curves and warranted sound power levels of both turbine types were confirmed by field measurements. In addition, component tests such as the dynamic rotor blade tests were successfully completed on test stands.
A further element of the type certification concerns what is known as the “manufacturing evaluation”. This issuance of this statement confirms that the production processes of Nordex and its key suppliers along the supply chain conform to the applicable standards for certifiable components.
Says Jörg Scholle, Executive Vice President and Head of Engineering at Nordex: “This marks a great success for our Product Development and Certification departments. The teams completed what was the largest certification project to date in Nordex’s history. After all, two turbines for different wind classes, two grid frequencies, three climate versions and six tower heights had to be certified. The fact that we completed this extensive certification package within the time frame announced at the beginning of 2013 emphasises the robustness of our Company’s product development processes.”